Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Trust of voting

It is only in the past twenty years that serious implications have surfaced regarding our federal voting laws, In the past voting was a matter of trust, which seem to work very well. But all changed, owing to the fraudulent canvassing of the ACORN organization, which was hypothetically dismantled after the midterm elections; but this is open to speculation? Prior to his senate seat in Illinois, President Obama was originally hired as an attorney for this non-profit entity and used them for canvassing in the midterm election. Currently it seems that the ACORN people are still out there, and become less tangible by changing their names.

There are serious implications in the federal voting laws, which the Democratic House Judiciary Committee are now showing distinct flaws in any election process. Without a thorough reorganization of voting laws, the foundation of our Constitutional rights is at risk. Voter Fraud has raised its ugly head, in Arizona, Colorado, Texas, New Jersey, New York and other states in close races in past voting in general and local precincts. ACORN highlighted the problem, when criminal prosecution took place in numerous states, showing mass fraud in the registrations of signing-up felons, illegal aliens and legal immigrants who knowingly or unknowingly able to vote. Democrats deviously have been the major violator for fraudulent voting registrations at the voting station and by absentee ballots.
Leading Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee this week requested a hearing on how changes to state voting laws, that includes requirements for people to show official photo identification.  They are worried that poor Americans will be disfranchised from their sovereign rights. It only makes commonsense that just like other developed nations persons voting can be declined if they just come to the voting place, with no document s to prove who they really are? As an example just possessing a Social Security card, should not provide that this is the true person, but could easily be passed from numerous other individuals. Blue states with millions of aliens illegally resident settled there, could easily undermine the voting regulations. California, Nevada are Sanctuary States where there is next to nothing of enforcement of voting laws. Disputing how to accurately to identify legal voters have risen continuously and over the last few year, as some states have sought after more strengthened requirements in order to help prevent illegal aliens from voting. The federal government has a legal obligation to ensure that voting rights of every American citizen.


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