Brittanicus - 6/12/2011 7:22 PM
AMNESTY or as the Pro-illegal immigration groups prefer to label it, Immigration Reform. The truth is not ever going to happen? The 1986 IRCA was a utter calamity and costly for taxpayers.The 1986 (IRCA) Immigration Control and Reform Act that was a mass amnesty, which became the prime deception, played on the American taxpayer of all time. Because of despicably fraud and supreme neglect, the 2 million farmer’s laborers and other illegal workers who were provided a legal course to citizenship, that ultimately turned into 6 million. Even inexplicable those people, who received this pardon, vanished from their usual places of employment and turned up in the job force around the country that Americans citizens had to compete with. Future wise, Congress proposed the I-9 Form (Employment Eligibility Verification Form.) to ensure that all employees presented documentary proof of their legal eligibility, to accept employment in the United States. If the employee has a hiring issue, and chooses to contest an irregularity notice, the employer prints out the “Referral Letter” from the E-Verify program.
Brittanicus - 6/12/2011 7:21 PM
The letter contains information about resolving the problem, as well as the contact information for the (SSA) Social security Administration) or (USCIS) US Citizenship and Immigration Service, depending on which bureau was the source of the non-authorization to resolve the problem? As constantly the open border zealots, US Chamber of Commerce, ACLU and a radical mix of anti American organizations, have used the Liberal Press as a fulcrum to regrettably try to suppress the implementation of E-Verify. Are we not in the poorhouse with China, as it is? But this is no firm binder, because millions more people will strive to reach here, before that ominoUsing the media these groups have also brought pressure on the administration not to espouse the Secure Communities law, which identifies criminal aliens through fingerprints by informing ICE. Then Subsequently E-Verify that is increasingly more popular each day by business owners. They are now cautiously aware that an I-9 audit puts their business license in jeopardy, as upheld by the Supreme Court. As with the 1986 (IRCA) bill those who advocate against the laws are profiteers for more wealth, or to accumulate more votes or just to prepare America (according to the WikiLeaks group founder Julian Assange in secret documents) for merging with some kind of traitorous program, with Canada and Mexico with one currency. This stealth agenda was collusion between the Canadian and American Ambassadors. Whether we are coming out this miserable recession or not, we cannot afford any immigration amnesty. The first Amnesty in 1986 Ronald Reagan's term of office, cost--$76 BILLION DOLLARS--by the time it was fulfilled. In today money it’s expected to cost $2.6 TRILLION DOLLARS as stated the Heritage Foundation. So taxpayers would be expected to cover that bill, lending most of it from China again?
Brittanicus - 6/12/2011 7:21 PM
Using the media these groups have also brought pressure on the administration not to espouse the Secure Communities law, which identifies criminal aliens through fingerprints by informing ICE. Then Subsequently E-Verify that is increasingly more popular each day by business owners. They are now cautiously aware that an I-9 audit puts their business license in jeopardy, as upheld by the Supreme Court. As with the 1986 (IRCA) bill those who advocate against the laws are profiteers for more wealth, or to accumulate more votes or just to prepare America (according to the WikiLeaks group founder Julian Assange in secret documents) for merging with some kind of traitorous program, with Canada and Mexico with one currency. This stealth agenda was collusion between the Canadian and American Ambassadors. Whether we are coming out this miserable recession or not, we cannot afford any immigration amnesty. The first Amnesty in 1986 Ronald Reagan's term of office, cost--$76 BILLION DOLLARS--by the time it was fulfilled. In today money it’s expected to cost $2.6 TRILLION DOLLARS as stated the Heritage Foundation. So taxpayers would be expected to cover that bill, lending most of it from China again? But this is no firm binder, because millions more people will strive to reach here, before that ominous inauguration day of a new Immigration Reform bill.
Brittanicus - 6/12/2011 7:20 PM
If Congress is unable to cut spending in this recent of 14 .5 Trillion dollars US Treasury deficit, can anybody in the right frame of mind, tell us where we intend to get another $2.5 trillion dollars, to subsidize those illegal immigrants already living here? These dollars are inconceivable and even if there was another. It's outrageous that Washington politicians would expect to bled even more money from numb Taxpayers, when we are confronted by rejuvenating two nations abroad, in millions of dollars a day. Amnesty, it will only further multitudes of people to come here? Washington legislators come and go, author bills, but are never held accountable for the financial wrecks they leave behind? Only Secure Communities, E-Verify can mitigate some of the pressure that will make foreign nationals think twice before crossing the border, or entering America by other means. This isn’t about any particular race, a person’s politics, religion as we are all suffering. It’s not even about the legal Hispanic population, as they are under the same pain of finding a job, stagnant wages and some type of exploitation. We are all the same boat and without stringent restrictions on immigration and its costs, that boat is heading towards rough waters and could easily sink. The TEA PARTY will slow down this process by confronting Washington aggressively on birthright citizenship to rescind it, which will sever the bond of 300.000 babies from foreign nation getting instant citizenship; cutting down on the annual monolithic cost to subsidize these offspring and families.
Brittanicus - 6/12/2011 7:20 PM
It will also bring to a halt, which it attributed to this wrongly conferred law, saving taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars a year? The TEA PARTY will examine these unfair taxes placed on Americans, by Liberal oriented courts, to appoint obligations to educate, provide health care that comes with the never ending tide of illegal aliens skirting our laws. The TEA PARTY will created bills to up the penalty, for entering America as a felony. This should have been the law of the land, decades ago? Personally, it has always translated to prove there was no serious intention to enforce these laws. It’s in the vein of a conspirator’s reason, why the Southern border fences completion remains a fiasco. The Tea Party will enforce the 1986 (IRCA) law as was planned, with no complicity of government agencies to stifle those laws, such as the business influence. The TEA PARTY in 2012 will remove the Liberal influence and even have the empowerment to construct the real border fence, and mandating with no exemptions E-Verify and Secure Communities and indefinately remove Sanctuary Cities nationwide. As the Tea Party grows against the powerful influences in Washington, these Representatives like TEA PARTY Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota will retire those pro-illegal immigrant politicians, Governors, mayors and all those who have adversely affected strong laws that have been introduced. The American People should not be forced by law, to pay for the impoverished people that trespass into America from other countries. The time is ripe to contact their federal and State Representatives to insist they enact mandatory E-Verify, Secure Communities for every State, at the Senate—202-224–3121/ House—202-225–3121. Attn: Be observant on probably the most important election to come, that illegal aliens don't vote as they have previously and most incidents concealed in different States.
Brittanicus - 4/7/2011 8:22 PM
THE TEA PARTY IS THE ONLY SALVATION FROM THE ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION People don't seem to understand that the illegal immigration invasion, is because of the attraction of jobs offered by criminal business owners. But the crux of the matter is that illegal aliens cannot live in our society on the pittance that these companies pay, so they get the rest of support from public welfare services. Hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money, is being extorted to pay for education, health care and other entitlement programs. This has become a taxpayers nightmare that why we need mandatory E-Verify for every business hires. Anybody caught should lose every penny of their ill-gotten profit, that includes every business asset confiscation, painful fines and mandatory prison sentences. Learn where all your taxes are going at NumbersUSA and additionally join the TEA PARTY to save America.
Brittanicus - 4/6/2011 4:09 PM
The majority of States are disturbed with relying on their own government, to enforce immigration laws. So they had no other choice but to enforce their own policing policies that's accessible to them. Illegal immigration frothed over the top of this this inexorable issue in Arizona. Obama administration wouldn't tolerate it, as it erodes their probability of volume future Democratic votes. Republicans are not excused because they have been apathetic to massive ferrying of cheap labor across the hazardous border or turning a blind eye to visa overstays; Alabama has coupled in the illegal immigration conundrum, adjoining other States that want to enforce stricter laws. Arizona became the summit of the Liberal Progressive wrath, so they have made the Grand Canyon State run the gauntlet of the federal courts. Only now Arizona is not isolated any more.
Brittanicus - 4/6/2011 4:08 PM
It’s unpardonable that our own government tried to estrange hurting State, by compounding their fiscal situation in the harshest way possible. Obama and his administrative Czars more Liberal than Democratic, having confused this issue with racial profiling. The Lefts money-crippling plan is to integrate illegal immigrants into America, by using clandestine amnesties, in smaller numbers since the 1986 Simpson/Mazzoli bill. But when you have the masses crossing from South of the border, it's obvious where the illegal aliens main body is arriving from? ITS NOT RACIAL, IS DOLLARS AND CENTS, NEITHER PARTY SEEMS TO HAVE? It's surprising that in Missouri lawmakers enacted its own set of policing rules, but wasn't attacked by the (ACLU) better known as the American Communist Lawyers Union or the US Chamber of Commerce, consolidated with radical open border lobbyists, yet not harassing that State. There are so many issues dividing the country relating to illegal immigration, but nevertheless one thing’s for sure the TEA PARTY, have already avowed no more amnesties of any description. Every time foreign nationals and others with the same sentiment who are demanding civil rights, has glued the public to be far less sympathetic attitude; they are treading on Americans "Rule of Law." State's like the Sanctuary California, Nevada or others will sink further into the monetary morass, because they are not listening to the taxpayers in Sacramento. My opinion is the majority Liberals want to keep their seats, therefore changing nothing. So lenient is the State, that they have not stringently enforced voting laws. So flexible is the voting code, that non-citizens have easy access through fraudulent absentee ballots and in the polling precincts.
Brittanicus - 4/6/2011 4:08 PM
If anything should be distressing to legal California residents is a compromised electoral vote; as in New Mexico, Texas, Colorado and other States that remains silent to these travesties. California, Nevada is clogged with illegal foreign nationals, who are bleeding the soft state welfare dry. State deficits are sky-high because the Legislators are genuflecting to the corporate welfare and radical illegal immigrant groups. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS--do not have any problems, except they have joined the 9 million US workers without a job. While an estimated 8.5 million illegal workers have slipped through the enforcement cracks and stole jobs from legitimate citizens and residents. Billions are being spent to support these people, which should be going to lowering State and federal deficits. Americans can do the jobs, "that the people, don't do" for a living wage and benefits. Over twenty years ago, who was employed in the work that Americans won’t do? My Grandfather, picked potatoes, cousins worked many jobs to put food on the table, while I worked in a McDonalds to afford my college fees? Businesses must be held accountable with painful retribution; not sleight of hand by moderate judges. Yesterday Alabama House awesomely passed, 73-to-28, an E-Verify measure that requires all businesses to check new hires through this new Attrition system. The bill also allows police to check the immigration status of individuals detained or arrested and requires confirmation of citizenship before receiving public benefits. WITHOUT QUESTION, THOUSANDS WILL PULL UP THEIR ILLEGAL ROOTS AND HEAD FOR UNFORTUNATE STATES SUCH AS CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, AND NEVADA THAT HAS FAILED TO JOIN OTHER STATES ENACTING POLICING LAWS.
Brittanicus - 4/6/2011 4:06 PM
Attn: (H.R.140) Ending Birthright citizenship is gaining momentum, adding two more co-sponsors to 73 additional sponsors. A new report From the Center of Immigration Studies Show that 57% of households headed by an immigrant with children under the age of 18 receive some form of welfare. Only 39% of native born households with children receive welfare services. Reps. Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.), Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), David McKinley (R-W.V.), and Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) have added their names to the growing list of co-sponsors (29) for Rep. Phil Gingrey's Nuclear Family Priority Act (H.R.692) that would end chain migration. H.R.692 would eliminate all family-preference visa classes, except for spouses and minor children. Two new bills would require the use of E-Verify by all employers. H.R.800 (E-LAW Act) introduced by Rep. John Carter (R-Texas) would require employers to verify all new hires and current employees within two years of enactment. It would also reinstate the No-Match program, which required the Social Security Administration to notify employers and individuals. More information available to halt illegal immigration at NumbersUSA, The TEA PARTY has zoomed to the forefront with millions of joining this partially splinter group from the Republican usual stance in Washington. Find your place in your local TEA PARTY, because YOU are the legal people who live in the United States.