Enough is Enough
Friday, August 5, 2011
Knoxville News Sentinel July 18, 2011 1:51 p.m.to November 8, 2008 6:41 p.m.
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Judge says Feds 'mislead the public' on controversial immigration program
Most Americans know by now that both parties are to blame, with many subsidized resources being lapped up by a major majority through either forged ID, or just using other legal family members Social or in some cases Drivers Licenses. Even today after the massacre at the New York Trade Center, Washington State, Utah are still issuing some form of Drivers License to illegal immigrants. New Mexico and others have finally have realized the negative impact of giving licenses to illegal migrants and immigrants. The Sanctuary state of California, could well be caught in the brunt of illegal people fleeing with their baggage. Even Nevada may not fare so well, on the move from policing laws.
Not necessarily Rep. Michele Bachmann, but we need a social conservative, a Tea Party leader, who bring Obama to his knees, stop the future bleeding of our Health care system with Obamacare, slow the monolithic progress of federal government and return power to the States. Re-negotiate honest, fair free trade agreements compromised by China. Remove job-killing regulations and taxes, from corporate and the small businessman who will start hiring again. Under the Democrats and its hidden Liberal interference less taxes on companies, will improve the viability of high paying jobs from being exported. Overtime thousands of businesses will return home, having a more stable environment and not being under constant pressure from government and its minions. Remember, America is the greatest consumer nation in the world, and we can wheel and deal for the best trade agreements. People in our nation are finally returning from a deep sleep, realizing we are giving away our countries manufacturing and industrial base.
July 18, 2011
1:51 p.m.
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Judge says Feds 'mislead the public' on controversial immigration program
Only the Tea Party believes in self-reliance on one’s own ability to succeed, and not live of the strained welfare gifts of taxpayers. In this time of need, we should be assisting our own citizens and legal residents. Immigration at the federal level has been the worst of failures. Not since the 1920's has there been a true time of enforcement. States have been suffering under the illegal immigration occupation for years, with a disregard by the federal government to implement any real restrictions. If such was the case, much of the necessity for enforcement would not be needed if illegal entry carried a felony and imprisonment. Why bother to even recognize the sovereign laws of this nation, if you can just be deported, unless there was a heinous criminal act involved. Under the laws now set by Congress, thousands still return and disappear. Even the nation across our border has more harsh laws, such as a felony and prison. Our federal immigration courts are crammed with undesirables, who have committed crimes. There is an avalanche of data, which ominously indicates that thousands of illegal aliens are causing mayhem on our highways, killing and maiming pedestrians and other innocent drivers.
Right now on paper President Obama is showing some fortitude in going after business owners hiring illegal workers, but hidden from view is a memo to Czar Holden not to apprehend aliens with minor criminal complaints against them. Does this new order from higher ups mean it’s irrelevant to the "Rule of Law?" It seems to me and a good part of America’s population, that the President's appointees, can do whatever they like. Doesn’t seem to matter that this country has 13 million US born or permanent residents out of work? U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith R-San Antonio, said the illegal aliens hold 8 million jobs, according to a news release distributed last December. So what should the US government do about this bold public disclosure? It should permanently put on the books, the E-Verify and Secure Communities tools, with zero tolerance policies. E-verify to identify illegal workers and those who are arrested and their fingerprints released to ICE and other enforcement agencies. The democrats are adamantly stating in their editorials, that illegal immigration is shrinking, but say little or nothing about the 20 million plus already illegally settled here eating away at welfare and public services.
July 18, 2011
1:50 p.m.
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Judge says Feds 'mislead the public' on controversial immigration program
ACORN (Supposedly dismantled, that was caught up in fraudulent voter registrations) Tides Foundation, Huffington Post (a Liberal-oriented Media) The Southern poverty law Center, People of the American Way, Planned Parenthood and one of the most radical pro-immigration groups of all, National Council of La Raza ( The latter organization has indoctrinated young Hispanics, with the brainless idea that Southwest America belongs to Mexico? ) Soros has said openly he would like nothing better than for America to become submissive to international entities and with his money to restrict American sovereignty. This fanatical billionaire has been trying since 1993, to influence our government and away from the document that greatly benefits us all, the US Constitution. In his early intervention in his push for Liberal success, was his financial support that spring-into-action Barack Obama’s political career. To me it’s surprising that this George Soros, a dangerous to our society hasn't met the wrong end of a bullet from some crazy with a gun.
Something that must stay in full daylight, is illegal aliens are voting in—only citizens-- elections. But neither the US government nor the main stream media, if publicized at all will a short paragraph in some elusive corner of the national newspaper. One has to scour the Internet for "Voter Fraud" information, to see that this is not a local occurrence, but wide spread.
That was when I found another professional position in a community outside of Indianapolis, and fled there with my family. In the less populated areas, there was no illegal alien gang members and where I am is quiet and peaceful. I still have relatives in Los Angeles County, who keep me abreast of the invaders who have brought wide scale corruption and rot to the greater metropolis and a huge reservoir of debt, from liberals and Democrats catering to the millions of unlawful aliens. It's also apparent that nothing on this issue is going to get better, as foreign nationals from other States are giving a wide berth to the policing laws effective in Arizona. It also seems inevitable that hundreds of thousands are running scared by rightful laws in Georgia, Alabama and other less welcoming states of illegal nationals fleeing into California, Nevada and Washington State.
July 18, 2011
1:49 p.m.
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Judge says Feds 'mislead the public' on controversial immigration program
While the Maryland's Dream Act approval is going to be decided by the people of the State, then while there is a huge divide in this predominant interest of illegal immigration, shouldn't the Legislators in Washington provide a Nationwide Referendum on whether this sovereign nation should be given the right decide the future governing this ugly issue. A Referendum before the People, could approach these issues; which are many, including a National Dream Act, A moratorium on all immigration, mass amnesty, sanctuary cities and States, 14th Amendment birthright baby citizenship that will settle this growing disaster for good. Americans and not open border lobbyists or activists, will end this torment once and for all and remove the welfare payouts.to economic foreigners, closing hospital doors, the children gaining admittance to our once high performance high schools and lowering the rate of illegal individuals ending up in our prisons.
I took my son out of a Los Angeles public school, because the majority of the children in the classroom were of foreign nationality. He was just not learning, because the overworked school teachers had to spend more time with students with English as a second language. This was in the late 1970s and that illegal immigration to the golden state was influencing the politics in Sacramento. Federal agencies should be downsized including the Dept of Education, Dept of Labor, Freddie Mac/ Mae that has some obligation for the real estate crash and hundreds of agencies, which could be reestablished in the 50 States, where they would not be bloated with over-manned public servants. As in many issues, same sex marriages should be the under the authority of individual States, not the feds. Government was never meant to reign over THE PEOPLE with so much influence and power, that seems only to be the agenda of the George Soro's and his political puppets who donated to:
July 18, 2011
1:49 p.m.
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Judge says Feds 'mislead the public' on controversial immigration program
Only the Liberal progressives hidden beneath the Democratic Sub-Rosa disguises would deny that the Federal government has grown too large. The Tea Party which is materializing in the tens of millions, insist that agencies of this administration, should be returned to the authority of each State, County and municipal jurisdiction. There is nothing more important than after the 14.4 Trillion US treasury deficit be resolved, that rational Americans should demand of their government, that this nation returns to the written word in our founding fathers document. Another extremely important issue, is the connection between discretionary spending and Illegal Immigration. This has been completely ignored for thirty years or more and must be part of capping the debt ceiling. In 2012 will be the historical pinnacle of all general elections, demanding that bureaucrats no longer undermine our public school system and placing the fate of our countries education back in the eager hands of local government, where these entities are meant to be. President Obama or any of the previous administrations have permitted this type of overwhelming influence to happen, even more so in the last few years.
The only connection I have with Los Angeles is an uncle in the police force, that concurs with me about a Leftist Governor and Mayor, who are still writhing under a massive treasury deficit of 24 billion dollars and yet are out to force through the majority in the Liberal Capitol, a California Dream Act. Even the Dream Act on a national scale being the chief issue, its the CHAIN MIGRATION that pours in afterwards. The liberals well no disclose the hundreds of billions of dollars spent, for previous and subsequent Amnesties of any kind? Promising no public funds would be in the outlay, anybody with a prudent mind knows that these students will find some form of concealed money available. With no real transparency dollars will come from somewhere, while the kids of US citizens remain on the sideline. John, a police Sergeant has informed me of rising crime in his precinct and the deterioration of the neighborhoods; full of fast food wrappers littering streets, junk cars, old furniture and other garbage discarded there. The only reason he stays in the State is his pension and benefits, otherwise he would be gone.
May 20, 2011
5:49 p.m.
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Editorial: Immigration bill shelved for wrong reason
Is this yet another reason why, the Democrats and Republicans have put every obstacle in the way of the business policing E-Verification program and the criminal national fingerprinting using Secure Communities ICE databases? Are both parties instrumental in this anti-sovereignty merger, forcing on the American citizens millions of foreign nationals demonstrating in the streets of every city and town? US politicians advocating to the North American assimilation plans are claiming “our immigration systems are broken” when in fact the immigration systems have been compromised by those pressing for a merger of the populations of the three countries? Perhaps this is why they want the 1986 Immigration Control & Reform Act rescinded as it’s an impediment to this cause? These secret documents reveal a well developed plan that advocates secrecy, with an incremental approach as not to alarm the public.
It’s more important than ever to join the PEOPLES party, the TEA PARTY. The Tea Party is for all legal Americans, naturalized citizens and those holding green cards. This un-American movement will not be tolerated, and should never be ratified without a national referendum. Our country is a nation of laws, especially when it comes to integration of other countries. Currently the Democrats desire to force on—ALL—the American peoples a new Amnesty, cloaked in Immigration Reform. Indirectly the Dream Act would have the same purpose, allowing these Students to sponsor family members. Chain Migration is already accelerating and costing Americans billions of dollars a year. It’s unfortunate we don’t follow the same laws as countries in Europe, which is using a “PointsSystem” for legal immigration. Offering entry visas to the highly skilled people with profession experience in their specialized occupation, as they will not end up in the welfare offices? Today, in most cases through illegal immigration the American people are serving on a plate education to illegal children, free treatment in emergency rooms. Join the Tea Party or after reading the Wikileak document, you should start plying your representatives in Washington, State or even local level for answers? Contact them at Senate—202-224–3121/ House—202-225–3121.
May 20, 2011
5:48 p.m.
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Editorial: Immigration bill shelved for wrong reason
You wouldn't think that the illegal immigrant occupation of America would have anything to do with any conspiracy theory? Do I believe in conspiracies? Never did, but something turned up that seems to have a lot of credence to it? Each day Americans worry about feeding their families, paying mortgages or even the 15 million still seeking work? At the same time States adjoining Georgia or Alabama, less lenient States are angry that hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens may be heading their way? Same situation with Arizona as new policing laws could have countless numbers of illegal immigrant families will find a sanctuary in California and Nevada, with lax laws. Specifically if you believe in the reams of classified information appearing from that very controversial website Wikileaks
A covert document recently released by WikiLeaks discloses a elevated level of information between the US and Canadian Ambassador Paul Celluci promoting a merger of the United States, Canada, and Mexico as plans for “North American Integration,” also called “North American Union.” into pathway for a future North American "single market and a possible single currency." For at least a decade investigators and whistle-blowers have attempted to warn the public relating to integration of the nations of Canada, Mexico and the United States of America and have been met with devastating mockery. The Wikileaks document unmistakably indicates that the agenda is to avoid the US in protecting citizens from terrorists or diseases from interfering with trade and other economic interests.
This agenda would be united with joint electronic security perimeter with a reduced amount of focus on physical borders. Are the American people to understand that the 20 million plus illegal aliens imported here, including border crossers and visa overstays was a treasonous intentional move to integrate the American culture, with people of every nationality? Is this undeniable proof that this is been deliberate moving on the part of previous and today’s administrations? Was President Bush’s Social Security Administration (SSA) recently signed in June 2004 a highly controversial accord that could add millions of Mexicans, some who worked here illegally, to the Social Security rolls associated with (NAU) North American Union? Is this why the 2006 Secure Fence Act was dismantled, by two Republican Texas Senators and unfunded? That the original two layer fence topped with concertina razor wire remains a dream.
May 18, 2011
4:42 p.m.
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Illegal immigration bill put on hold
It's only illegal immigrants that have become the welfare parasites, as legal Hispanic households are furious of being tied to the same financial brush of those who scorned the "Rule of Law." There is a legal channel to enter America with all considerations, and each year thousands of New Americans are welcomed into our society by an immigration judge. This is the way it should be, with no exceptions. Today as overpopulation growth is a harbinger of shortages of clean water, an energy in our future, people who come to America permanently should be judged on their contributions to science, technology and engineering skills and of course education. Like Europe proving the ability of displaying special skills, and implementing a new system of acceptance such as a "POINTS SYSTEM. " Or perhaps return to the "Quota" system that allowed so many newcomers according to their character, skills and so forth from each country.
Another peril that must be exposed is that illegal aliens are voting in our elections and must be treated with zero tolerance. ACORN has said to have reorganized, after being dismantled by Congress and they will be registering just about anybody, no matter their immigration status.
THE TEA PARTY is the party of the American people, of--ALL--the American people, who are comprised of all delusional political party members and are ready to conclude this present President and Lib-Democratic party. Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-MN), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) are some of the leaders in the TEA PARTY, and ardent Conservative Constitutionalist that are prepared to reform our unfair tax system, reduce the government agencies and return them to state control and insure a Congressional amendment to halt out-of-control spending. The TEA PARTY are against anything that is an obstacle to the sovereignty rights of all Americans and are ready deport illegal immigrants through ATTRITION. Get going today and join the monolith membership of the TEA PARTY at the National and local branches. Under the TEA PARTY their will not be any ratification in any Immigration Reform, amnesty or by any name that insures a path to citizenship. Contact your local, state or federal politician, Senate—202-224–3121/ House—202-225–3121 and persist that they follow the mainstream of THE PEOPLE’S wishes.
May 18, 2011
4:41 p.m.
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Illegal immigration bill put on hold
In 1986 Immigration Control and Reform Act was the original Immigration Reform bill that was subverted by business interests. Millions of illegal aliens entered the country after the mass amnesty using bogus documentation, which indicated they had been resident before the law was signed by Ronald Reagan. Even though the bill was sworn to be "One-Time only" by the departed Senator Kennedy it has been shown to be a failure; not because it’s broken as Liberal and Democrats would like you to believe? But there sections of the bill, never---ENFORCED? That everybody--including mostly Guest Workers for agriculture, that were given a path to citizenship, were able to apply for everything from food stamps to Medicaid costing within a few years $78 Billion dollars. If today, another Amnesty is passed with at least 20 million plus illegal alien settled here, the cost today would be just unimaginable, with access to Seniors Social Security and pension money.
The afterwards of that Reagan bill was a silent signal for all those newcomers to depart the farms and taking-up other occupations across the country. If you want to witness the 14.5 trillion dollar US deficit reduced, we must enforce our immigration laws, policing our States with a mandatory E-Verify and the new Secure Communities provision of the Save Act. We cannot afford any more half measures, from the ongoing resistance of President Obama, politicians like Senator Harry Reid (D-NV in their growing unconstitutional push for an Immigration reform bill that disguises another capacity Amnesty. Illegal Immigration is an inflammatory issue, caused over decades of Washington lack of sympathy to US worker, now with estimates of 20 million foreign nationals feeding of the welfare system they have—NOT--attributed too? The worst issue is the instant baby citizenship law, which has become an uninterrupted national issue that is another massive entitlement for these people.
This is a foothold for hundreds of thousands of illegal families with 300.000 infants annually and probably the most fiscally exhausting expenditure for taxpayers. The Leftists and even GOP leaders have chosen not to release information of the costs of another amnesty; federal or State costs to support millions of these invaders. Now that Billionaire Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee have opt out of the presidential race, we the taxpayer citizen and legal resident need to choose somebody with a moral responsibility, in identifying the best personage for President. Currently the Tea Party that without any prejudice to a person’s political affiliation, race or religion must combat the Liberal elite in the media, who are going to crucify any challenger to Obama’s presidency. Every new candidate must face an overwhelming ordeal of rhetoric, propaganda and lies from the invasive left wing of the Democrats. They are going to dig up as much dirt as they can?
April 1, 2011
5:54 p.m.
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House panel OKs bill requiring use of E-Verify
One of the determining things stressed by the TEA PARTY is national security and this doesn't seem to be a priority, that’s why hundreds or perhaps even more middle Eastern from unfriendly countries have been smuggled into the US. Just like the Unions using threats to intimidate business in Wisconsin that spreading, taxpayers should boycott business or any entity hiring illegal workers; even blowing the whistle, so that dirty business gets audited. Say—NO—to any form, any secret or covert amnesties, Dream Acts, Chain Migration, Sanctuary Cities or the reprehensible Comprehensive Immigration reform that has dire financial consequence. The Tea PARTY and its propagating millions should be adamant to lawmakers, which E-Verify, Secure Communities and the 287 g policing action must be nationwide mandated. That covers a wide spectrum of issues that will illustrate Americans mean business; that has no intentions of compromising against the $100 billion in your dollars, to be cut from the US Treasury deficit
As yet we have a negative government fighting over the US budget, which amplifies the massive spending spree that the liberals have always promoted. It's obvious that these people have no conception of what they have propelled into this great land. The immigrants of old didn't scream and shout demanding welfare, unemployment benefits, health care, education, and Section 8 housing, food stamps, Wicca, Medicaid, or cash payments. Has any taxpayer thought about the hundreds of billions of dollars that goes out to support foothold babies? Not just the hospital deliveries, but until they reach their 18 birthday, with the rest of the family gripping onto every dollar received. They made their way here without any help and survived, bring America to a pinnacle of prosperity. The new illegal newcomers are destroying America from their demands and that is what the TEA PARTY is going to grind to a halt.
Our country is on the slippery slope of bankruptcy. My recommendation to all taxpayers is fill the ranks of the TEA PARTY, that even certain politicians are absconding. The TEA PARTY is the cement that is not going away and it’s turning into a real revolution against both parties that has determined our future for too long. Fight back or we keep adding to the 14 Trillion US treasury deficit.
ATTN: DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT: Stop the inexcusable trade deficits with China and other cheap labor countries.
Our voting laws are no longer fraud-free. Illegal aliens voted in Texas, New Mexico and possibly California and Nevada in the previous elections. Our countries voting laws were based on integrity and trust, but today that's not possible anymore.
NO Copyright, ever. Distribute freely.
April 1, 2011
5:54 p.m.
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House panel OKs bill requiring use of E-Verify
America cannot go on with illegal aliens running the roost, with ICE unable to get this occupation under control. They just don't have the manpower or the inducement from the leaders in Washington. Their hands are tied by the Leftist progressives, known better as administration czars. Nor can the Republicans remain ignorant; as they have been behind pushing for cheap labor for 30 years plus, that have now resulted in a kind of arrogance to circumvent the Rule of Law. Enter the Tea Party that is no longer a small unorganized congregation of people that the Liberal-Democrats want you to think. Thousands of groups are springing up across the country, to stop this country’s financial erosion, lead by the TEA PARTY.
The resounding motto of the TEA PARTY is resolute, Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, Fair Free Market and a Strong National Security. For our security we must eradicate the Liberal ideology of Political Correctness, a well spring of multiculturalism, multi-language, wide open border that is twisting our countries laws. The US government is full of copious, over-manned agencies and many could be absorbed in one agency. A good start would be dismantling the bureaucratic Dept of Education and return it to School districts and parents. Their main interest in border control, is building the double layer security fence, guarded in watchtowers by either 5000 National Guard troops or the US military.Leftist advocates say that building a barrier between us and an oppressed people is too expensive. Yet if we could seal the borders cross examine tourists with one way airline tickets, the dollars saved would be astronomical. Far outweighing the dollar amount to support those who come here illegally. the Large corporate business will continue the fight against this, even though they brought this upon themselves by exporting hundreds of thousands of jobs abroad and importing cheap labor, instead of training their own countryman. YES! to top margins of scientists and engineers. NO! to the poor, uneducated who will become a taxpayers payout. Visa applications must have more oversight, as their is so much fraud going on between corporate lawyers and and the US Dept of Labor. Their is massive seepage here of mediocre cheap labor and coming through the sieve of bad policies.
March 31, 2011
1:54 p.m.
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House panel OKs bill requiring use of E-Verify
The Travesty of our Immigration laws
Have you seen the power of TEA PARTY, as currently the new politicians refuse to bow down to the Sen. Harry Reid's or majority speaker John Boehner who are willing to compromise over cutting $100 billion dollars from the US deficit. The Tea Party will not sanction this controversy issue and will stand their ground, in the same old "Business as Usual" diatribe, even if the the US Government has to close down. Republicans have been infiltrated by honest, sincere party members, including lawmakers who have deserted the old party corruption and greed. Currently The TEA PARTY is becoming a giant engine, as millions of delusional Americans are joining the membership. The Tea PARTY believes in Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government,a Free Fair Market and a Strong National Security That requires each administration honor their oath of allegiance, to protect and defend America from enemies domestic and foreign. This is an ultimatum of the TEA PARTY to Secure tight our border, employ 5000 military personal fully armed and to halt the bleeding of our countries financial welfare resources by illegal aliens. None of these policies are being enforced, as billions of dollars are still being consumed by the education, medical care for foreigners who have illegally residing here. Join the party that will halt every parody of the "Rule of Law" that consumes the United States entitlement programs. Exceptional skilled people can always immigrate here, but we have millions of our own poor, the lowest of income, that need jobs and THE TEA PARTY demands it doesn't go to foreign nationals.
March 31, 2011
1:53 p.m.
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House panel OKs bill requiring use of E-Verify
For decades now the American taxpayers have been supporting illegal aliens without their knowledge or prior permission. Including this immigration invasion are six stealth amnesties. Its well documented that Billions of dollars have been swallowed up in welfare, while at least 45 billion dollars leave this country in wire transfers. It blatantly obvious that neither the Liberal-Democrats or the Republican intend to stop this parody of our laws. For the Lib-Democrats its more votes, for Republicans its discount labor. The TEA PARTY is the only true remedy to halt the illegal alien occupation, and would strengthen our laws. Underneath this camouflage of both parties is a kind of shadow government. In a ominous dark corner is the billionaire George Soros and his far Leftist-Socialist-Marxist agenda, competing with the Republican who are the pawns of their benefactors the mega corporations.. The membership of the TEA PARTY is YOU--the ordinary people, comprising of the dissatisfied, American people. Both parties are to blame for this deadlock and the failure to enforce the laws because of the extreme special interest lobbyists.Every immigration tool such as E-Verify, Secure Communities and 287 (g) police laws must be permanent, with painful fines, lose of assets and prison for business owners. In Arizona the new model of policing laws has sent thousands hurriedly leaving the State. I proves that their restriction policies are working. Other States had better get their own legislators to action, or they will be swamped with economic illegal workers and families?
March 31, 2011
1:52 p.m.
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House panel OKs bill requiring use of E-Verify
Somebody should ask the question of who did the work in Utah, Texas, Arizona, Illinois or New York or any other location, before the invasion? Who picked potatoes ? My grandfather. Who dug trenches or who was employed landscaping. My uncle. Who laid new roofing down or put up drywall. Two of my cousins. Who worked in the 60's in a restaurant or made beds in a motel that belonged to my other Uncle. My ex-wife. Who run around in McDonald in the early 70's, while at college. ME! I flipped burgers. YES! I worked to pay for my own college tuition.
ATTN: NumbersUSA member has first-hand experience with H1B visa fraud. The member, who wishes to remain anonymous, used to work for both Oracle and Hewlett-Packard and was an integral part of the companies' abuses of the H-1B visa program.Read about it.
"Arizona Hearing Today: Will Supreme Court let the government favor taxpayer-funded candidates?" on Arizona Tea Party Network. Call you Senator or Representative today, to demand public tax-payer-funded, instead of private sponsorship that is twisted with major corruption and criminal activity. Inside your phone directory is the blue pages, where you can locate your people in Washington and politicians at the State level.
No Copyright, Ever. Distribute freely.
March 28, 2011
4:47 p.m.
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Tennessee immigration bills carry added costs
Extremely intelligent, the highest skilled workers don’t not need public welfare and never will and therefore should get special preferences to immigrate America is a place of opportunity, but the taxpayers are being overtaxed to pay for the foreign nationals who come here to steal the American dream, using child tax credits to profit. Criminals have compromised our tax code, and are thieving millions of dollars, as if the government stays ignorant to this fact. Our prisons are full of criminal aliens, drug dealers, murders, gang members and a complex assortment of nefarious activities. No more amnesties, immigration reform dream acts or anything else. The Illegal immigration issue should be important to every legitimate American, as it affects every-bodies pay check. There should be no exceptions to every county using Secure Communities police fingerprinting and detainment of individuals being processed, along with the new version of E-Verify. The new innovations to E-Verify will make it almost impossible, for any illegal worker to slip past the verification procedure. 287 (g) is still enforce around the country, to question any wrongdoer who is driving a vehicle. These tools must be made permanent and Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) can suck a lemon, as he tried to eradicate all these restriction programs. Other than California, Nevada has the highest population of foreign nationals in the country. America is a pressure valve for other corrupt governments for their unemployed and those living in abject poverty.
Attention: Using veiled threats Acorn and its ilk, threatened the banking industry with boycotts, unless they loosened laws on lending. “Ninja loans” reluctantly given to low income, illegal aliens, with no credit, no assets, which crippled the housing market, were causing the financial crash in the USA. The Leftists will not advertise this explosive revelation; read about it on Google and the consequences.
March 28, 2011
4:46 p.m.
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Tennessee immigration bills carry added costs
Taxpayer are being ripped-off by paying for those agricultural laborers when they get sick or injured, as the farmer is not obligated to pay for their children's education the families health care. This has become a financially vicious circle that will not end, with either the deep entrenched Liberal-Democrats, Republicans or any political entity other than the committed TEA PARTY. The TEA PARTY is growing much faster from the dominant Republicans, and certain politicians are discarding there old parties to join this third party. The Tea Party is secular in definition, non-partisan with open registration for all legal racial, including ethnic majorities and minorities. The Tea Parties core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, Free Market and a Strong National Security. We have great substance in the leadership who are fighting against the old, tired "Business as Usual" political hard liners, who will keep our taxes spiraling and spending our grand children's futures.
There will be no compromise with either party who keep the dollars flowing; printing more as our US debt are extended uncontrollably. All elected officials should be on notice that if you are anti-sovereignty and pro-illegal immigrant, they will be removed from office. That will be every Governor, Mayor, Police Chief and city manager. Every form of illegal immigration must be terminated, with businesses accountable and should be heavily fined, assets taken and long prison sentences. Obama's team also needs to be held accountable, as with prior President George Bush and even Ronald Reagan's leadership. Unions are also not be held to the same policies of enforcement, even though amongst their membership illegal workers are in their midst. The 1986 travesty sent both legal and illegal immigration, in the tens of millions and beyond into our country. The ultra-leftists are demoralized and the TEA PARTY has rattled their fetid cages, because the TEA PARTY has erased their wide open border ideas. Once the illegal immigrant war is won by building the real double fence and deploying 5000 troops along the border, we can cut-out all the special preferences such as Political Correctness “Press One for English." If any minority wants to legally come here, they had better learn the national language, which is causing great hardships in our overcrowded schools.
March 28, 2011
4:45 p.m.
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Tennessee immigration bills carry added costs
The 14th Amendment clarifies that any child born on the soil of the United States, has immediate citizenship and all the benefits that is commanded by that law. Until this law is amended of rescinded the repercussions on this country are immense, spending in the billions of dollars each year. Many pregnant women lie to the Immigration and Customs official at airport terminals or just slip across the US borders, in the dead of night. Illegal immigration has become a controversial issue, as painful as the unemployment issue. After the 1986 Immigration Control and Reform Act, the American people expected the federal government to enforce the laws, which included severe penalties for businesses that hired illegal workers; instead the US people were financially-raped. Instead millions of Guest Workers received amnesty then left their farming jobs and vanished into the workforce nationwide. Those numbers that received amnesty, snowballed the chain migration, bring in family members that taxpayers now pay.
Since then-SIX-other furtive amnesties has slipped by public notice and that doesn't include the importation of approximately 1.5 million legal immigrants annually. By revising the 14th amendment the billions of dollars in education, health care, food stamps, Medicaid, Section 8 housing, cash payments and other undisclosed welfare programs could cease.In some States illegal aliens can collect Worker's compensation and unemployment benefits. All that money could be diversified to senior Citizens, who haven't received no cost of living payment in two years. Veterans living under bridges or in shelters could be allocated the low income homes that illegal parents allowed to stay, get preference for their offspring born here. All these public services and entitlements have been drawn away from the US workers, who paid into the system since the beginning of their working life. No matter what the pessimists and open border zealots say, every taxpayer would be willing to pay a few cents more to stop the fraudulent-oriented Guest worker programs.
February 10, 2011
4:50 p.m.
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Senate panel OKs rule requiring voter photo ID
America will always need the highest skilled scientists, engineers and computer experts that will be highly sought after for their qualifications. These legal immigrants will never become a public charge, looking to apply for food stamps and public welfare. However what we don't need, nor should they be accommodated by the radical open border zealots, is the desperate, impoverished who slip into this nation without a penny. They are exploited by all different trade contractors, sub-contractors and any incorrigible employer such a "Chipotle" fast food group of eating houses hiring hundreds of illegal laborers. These are jobs that our own children can do or legal resident teens, which right now in this complex recession could make a little extra money for college. It is estimated there are at least 8 million foreigners in every caliber of jobs; not just using a leaf blower or bricklayer or janitorial services.
February 10, 2011
4:49 p.m.
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Senate panel OKs rule requiring voter photo ID
No longer can this country afford to cater to those people who slip through immigration loopholes such as the instant-baby-citizenship of the 14th amendment and allowing the indigent parent to stay. This fraudulent enterprise on its own costs US citizens billions of dollars a year, especially when the rest of large family is smuggled into this land. We must stop coddling the destitute of other countries, and look to our own population below the poverty line. We must make E-Verify, 287 (g) policing authority, a mandatory high priority, with hefty fines, confiscation of company assets and painful prison sentences. Our country is in a serious situation, brought on by thirty years of illegal immigration neglect and now States have seen the writing on the wall and costs for education, health care and imprisonment, which the US government never reimburses? Those soft States that bow down to the illegal immigration invasion, will soon find themselves in a financial quaternary.
As more States insist on zero tolerance laws, millions of illegal nationals will exodus those regions and speedily head for places such as the Sanctuary State of California, Colorado, Utah and other location with their hands out for millions of dollars in public services and entitlements. This situation is happening now in the non-tolerant in the Grand Canyon State, as the illegal alien population is leaving and crowding into California and States where their is welfare and little or no enforcement laws. As to the English law--I was in the military in Stuttgart, Germany years back, and there was very little English displayed.
Astronomical amounts of money in food stamps and too many freebies for illegal nationals to subsist on, thanks to both political parties. This blogger gets thousands of emails a day, which my response is a format letter. Just like Egyptian revolution, it’s up to the larger majority of the American people to stand up and protect and defend their citizenship, the US Constitution from Liberal progressives who would steal it from you. Make a point of joining the TEA Party, or a pro sovereignty organization such as NumbersUSA who allows free faxes to your lawmakers. Above all else place a call with the federal switchboard at 202-224-3121. Ask to be connected to your Senate or Representative and speak your mind.
February 10, 2011
4:40 p.m.
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Omnibus bill would address immigrants
America will always need the highest skilled scientists, engineers and computer experts that will be highly sought after for their qualifications. These legal immigrants will never become a public charge, looking to apply for food stamps and public welfare. However what we don't need, nor should they be accommodated by the radical open border zealots, is the desperate, impoverished who slip into this nation without a penny. They are exploited by all different trade contractors, sub-contractors and any incorrigible employer such a "Chipotle" fast food group of eating houses hiring hundreds of illegal laborers. These are jobs that our own children can do or legal resident teens, which right now in this complex recession could make a little extra money for college. It is estimated there are at least 8 million foreigners in every caliber of jobs; not just using a leaf blower or bricklayer or janitorial services.
February 10, 2011
4:39 p.m.
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Omnibus bill would address immigrants
No longer can this country afford to cater to those people who slip through immigration loopholes such as the instant-baby-citizenship of the 14th amendment and allowing the indigent parent to stay. This fraudulent enterprise on its own costs US citizens billions of dollars a year, especially when the rest of large family is smuggled into this land. We must stop coddling the destitute of other countries, and look to our own population below the poverty line. We must make E-Verify, 287 (g) policing authority, a mandatory high priority, with hefty fines, confiscation of company assets and painful prison sentences. Our country is in a serious situation, brought on by thirty years of illegal immigration neglect and now States have seen the writing on the wall and costs for education, health care and imprisonment, which the US government never reimburses? Those soft States that bow down to the illegal immigration invasion, will soon find themselves in a financial quaternary.
As more States insist on zero tolerance laws, millions of illegal nationals will exodus those regions and speedily head for places such as the Sanctuary State of California, Colorado, Utah and other location with their hands out for millions of dollars in public services and entitlements. This situation is happening now in the non-tolerant in the Grand Canyon State, as the illegal alien population is leaving and crowding into California and States where their is welfare and little or no enforcement laws.
Astronomical amounts of money in food stamps and too many freebies for illegal nationals to subsist on, thanks to both political parties. This blogger gets thousands of emails a day, which my response is a format letter. Just like Egyptian revolution, it’s up to the larger majority of the American people to stand up and protect and defend their citizenship, the US Constitution from Liberal progressives who would steal it from you. Make a point of joining the TEA Party, or a pro sovereignty organization such as NumbersUSA who allows free faxes to your lawmakers. Above all else place a call with the federal switchboard at 202-224-3121. Ask to be connected to your Senate or Representative and speak your mind.
January 3, 2011
4:35 p.m.
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Stricter DUI, immigration laws take effect
Now it’s up to the American people to speak out, get involved and demand from the new Congress a halt to any further Amnesties, which includes the Dream Act Stand with States, the rising, unbounded TEA PARTY that are adjoined to mandate E-Verify nationally, to condemn any irrational Immigration Reform as this recession is very slowly lifting. America has been overwhelmed by foreign nationals and their children, who keep demanding special privileges over our own low income people. Every day the numbers of illegal aliens are climbing and you as an American or green card holder pay the penalty in your taxes. Don't be mislead that there are only 12 million illegal immigrant criminals in this country? State wide there are propagating grass roots organization, that are against this invasion crossing oceans or borders to further overpopulate www.numbersusa.com partially instrumental in any amnesty downfall. Now is the time to significantly make a difference in the new Congress, by adding your demands to millions of other individuals to enforce our Immigration laws, as cited in the 1986 bill. Call your Senator or Congressman through the Washington Switchboard at 202-224-3121 Every American should make it a national interest to stop this immigration travesty and realize that there are thousands of ominous organizations against you. Most politicians are mentally crippled by this issue and rather stay out of the spotlight. Find out for yourself the intentions of your elected lawmakers, local, state and federal and tell them to positively address this issue or you will vote against them in the next election.
November 19, 2010
10:30 p.m.
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Rocky road ahead for DREAM Act
Would you like to know the 10 obnoxious facts about Senator Harry Reid's DREAM ACT? Not the usual Liberal claptrap that only a proportion of Americans are supposedly to absorb as the truth? Sen. Jeff Sessions put out the following release yesterday on the DREAM Act, that it’s an incremental illegal-alien amnesty bill S.3827. Read Senator Sessions of Alabama statement at:
Call your Senator or Representative at the Washington Switchboard at 202-224-3121. Demand NO DREAM ACT. It’s really a De-Facto Amnesty as another tax on Americans. Fax Congress for free at www.numbersusa.com
Investigate the real truth about the costs of the illegal alien invasion to America. That you make up your own mind?
According to the Heritage Foundation, the cost in subsidizing illegal alien families annually is 113 Billion dollars a year. Another Amnesty stated by www.heritagefoundation.org would have a projected expenditure to taxpayer's of $2.6 TRILLION dollars. This time again, for the sake of so little time to act, the easiest way is to just call the Capitol Switchboard and ask to be directly connected to one of the Senator's or Representative office: 202-224-3121.
August 26, 2010
7:22 p.m.
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Knox County commissioners want to include safeguards for immigration plan
We need to audit businesses nationwide, with copious fines, confiscation of business assets and in a second or third offense-- a prison sentence. Is the immigration Czar John Morton writing his own law and undermining laws enacted by Congress? WE NEED A MANDATED E-VERIFY FOR EVERY BUSINESS; BIG AND SMALL.
Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A): A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he: * assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or * encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or * knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.
August 26, 2010
7:21 p.m.
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Knox County commissioners want to include safeguards for immigration plan
Not much said--if anything in the national Liberal press, about the Immigration Czars silence on letting non-criminal illegal aliens off the hook. Isn't it Federal law that--ALL--illegal aliens must be deported? Everybody who entered America illegally is just that--ILLEGAL? It has not gone unnoticed that the Media, always consigns to an illegal alien as an illegal immigrant. They are not illegal immigrants they are illegal aliens. They broke the law, whether its civil or a criminal offense? Is this some form of an antidote for an avenue to pass an AMNESTY? If theses officials we trusted to work for the people in Washington are not doing there job.Who will? Perhaps the propagating Tea Party and moderate Conservatives will bring some sense of sanity? According to some Immigration attorney's in Houston, Texas unless you are a criminal alien with felonies, the judges are releasing them back onto the streets. THE US IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS SERVICE ARE CIRCUMVENTING THE LAW.
Knowing this new direction, millions of more illegal aliens will determine its easy to break into America and apply for welfare, receive free hospital treatment and get their children educated on--YOUR-- dime. Stealing your jobs, stealing your SOCIAL SECURITY. YES! Your Social Security pensions are in jeopardy to the massive tune of 2.6 Trillion dollars as according to the Heritage Foundation.. If your ready to accept even more millions of impoverished illegal foreigners and their families, stealing your Social Security? THEN OPEN THE DOORS! DO YOU WANT AN OVERPOPULATED NATION WITH A SHORTAGE OF BASIC NECESSITIES LIKE WATER? Don't Secure the fence. Don't question Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) why the 2006 Secure Fence Act was severely underfunded. Millions of incorrigible corporate owners will love you for it, so they can hire cut-price labor with no responsibilities.
EVERY INCUMBENT, CAREER POLITICIAN WHO HAS A BAD IMMIGRATION RECORD, BEGINNING WITH SEN. REID AND HIS CZARS MUST BE REMOVED FROM THEIR SEAT IN WASHINGTON. JOIN NUMBERSUSA AND AID IN FIGHTING AGAINST AMNESTY OR BENEFITS FROM THIS INVASION. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Tell your Representative in Washington at 202-224-3121 and State level officials Startling story about illegal aliens voting at www.cookevilletimes.com. Remember illegal aliens could have voted in the midterm elections, as they did in Putnam Co, Tennessee.
August 23, 2010
9:07 p.m.
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Editorial: Immigration measure ineffective and unneeded
Jobs, Economy, Illegal Immigration and foreign entities involved in paying for Campaign Advertising.
To me illegal immigration is one the critical issues of the impending November election, because of the costs entailed every year to financially support the millions of these poor, unschooled people coming to our shores is overwhelming. This is especially outrageous, when our government fails to consider the will of its own citizens and do only what’s necessary when discovered? But there is yet another severe problem that influences every American which is political campaign money. Unless we have our eyes and ears open beginning in November as, not too much has been presented by the press about this major problem. Even worse is that affects us all, of which the courts have said that it’s fine for our lawmakers to accept contributions, even from foreign corporations. President Obama has spoken about it, and I do agree with his assessment of this serious situation that undermines the whole concept of our voting system.
August 23, 2010
9:06 p.m.
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Editorial: Immigration measure ineffective and unneeded
It literary means any foreign entity can spend millions of dollars on TV ads, either from say, (BP) British Petroleum or the Sultan of Brunei or the United Arab Emirates to impact US voters in November. This is relevant to both parties, which I think is nauseating. Every politician should be held accountable and held to the highest standard--after all they did swear allegiance to the American people and not to Wall Street. It’s likely we will be bombarded in the coming months, with lies and propaganda from either side of the aisle, in Washington. Citizens should make it job--ONE--to find out who is pushing these nefarious advertising, that our TV screen will be plastered with? More importantly we must be assured of who is paying for these political ads to come? We need to distinguish on the Democratic side, which entity is paying for their ads; enemies foreign or domestic.
Trade Unions for instance should not be allowed to spend Union dues, to promote any lawmaker, unless the individual Union member is allowed to choose, which issue or politician? The same with the Republicans lawmakers who used a filibuster to table exposed advertising laws, when THE PEOPLE demand transparency for whose paying for the commercials in November, or even the general election? Otherwise Wall Street will be just as powerful under the next election that cannot be tolerated by the Public. We need to get rid of the smugness in the Capitol and remove all none effective incumbents in November. Senator Reid (D-NV) must be removed and the unpatriotic Czars, including many of the Republican> All those categorized as tax and spend, or pro-amnesty politicians must go? We must destroy the machinery where the most money spent by candidates—BUYS--them a political position such as Governor, Senator or Congressman, who think they can fool the public with their rhetoric.
We cannot remain unfocused by the current Mosque controversy in New York, but open our eyes wide and discharge legislators who are in collusion with the Mexican government who want in on our Social Security. We must—NOT--ratify any Mexican totalization treaty with Social Security, to allow illegal alien workers access to fraudulent tax money, which has been accumulated overtime. Any “totalization agreements” with a corrupt Mexico, would end up eating our pensions and retirement benefits.When you break our laws as foreigners, you shouldn’t be rewarded. Every law that is detrimental to the American taxpayer such as the instant citizenship baby law should be amended or better still tweaked, as its a multi-billion dollar pandemic for taxpayers. Any law that assists Americans claim their jobs back, such as a mandated E-Verify. The federal government should instruct every local police department to apprehend illegal aliens under the 286 (G) statute.
August 23, 2010
9:05 p.m.
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Editorial: Immigration measure ineffective and unneeded
Then above all else--NO AMNESTY--NO PATH TO CITIZENSHIP. The Secure Fence Act commitment, was undermined by Sens. Reid(D-NV) Hutchison(R-TX), Cornyn(R-TX) and if constructed correctly as two separate fences--instead of one, this immigration chaos wouldn't have effected the State Arizona so much? All Pro-Amnesty legislators such as Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) who as another incumbent, has not bent his will to the American taxpayers. We need the new ideologies of personages like J. D. Hayworth, not a bunch of career old men? Although we do not have any official Amnesty for illegal people in this country, over 1.5 million are still being imported annually taking away jobs from the 14.5 million American and permanent resident labor force.
THESE UNDISCLOSED LEGAL IMMIGRANT IMPORTATION HAS BEEN THE AGENDA FOR YEARS. Obama has promised honest, free trade with cheap imported goods from foreign nations, but this has still not materialized. In addition we need to hold these countries accountable for unfair trade practices, including communist China. Hopefully, the tea party, moderate conservatives will not fall for the old, retried agenda of both Liberal Democrats and Republicans and we can begin a path to a new successful economic future. Learn about the Mexican Social Security agreement at NUMBERSUSA & corruption revealed at JUDICIAL WATCH. DON'T BURY YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND--START ASKING QUESTIONS OF THOSE PEOPLE SUPPOSEDLY SERVING YOUR NEEDS? We must be vigilant in watching for illegal aliens voting for pro-amnesty, anti-sovereignty politicians.
August 18, 2010
5:56 p.m.
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Letters: Forget suing Arizona, secure the border
Administrations for years favoring the proven intervention of big business, who have filled political campaign coffer's for cheap labor. Because of the years of doing nothing, we now have a massive population of foreign nationals, spending your money--that your taxes go in support them. Just goes to show you that our government has no real intention of controlling illegal immigration. Otherwise years back, the bureaucrats would have implemented a mandatory E-Verify addition to the tool box --that HS Secretary Napolitano is always crowing about to her audiences?
The majority of Americans must clean the wax from their ears, and realize the consequences of what is happens this side of the border? WE HAVE BEEN INVADED AND ARE THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB TO THE OPEN BORDER AND SPECIAL INTEREST ZEALOTS. They are the fanatics who are deviously intent on passing immigration reform—or AMNESTY. It will kill us financially, because to process all these people--would not just be done by the government, but hundreds of thousands of devious attorney's, whose objective is to get approved every illegal alien they can? It will cost Americans Billions of dollars through supplementary taxes. The most essential adjustment we can do is start ejecting incumbents from political office. Take away the votes from Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) he and his factions are behind making Amnesty law. Speaker Nancy Pelosi must go as well, with a long line of Democrats and some Republicans. THESE EXTREME AMOUNTS OF MONEY WOULD PAY FOR BOTH WARS, INSTEAD OF SUPPORTING ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Also add to your agenda in throwing out the pro-illegal immigrant Governors, Mayors, Judges and every elected official who is favorable to illegal immigrants. We shall count the days till November, when we can remove these people, who will otherwise lead this nation to the poor house in the future with potential overpopulation. We should all be alert this November, to who is voting in the polling places, as illegal aliens have voted before and will again in states with the "Honor System." In states where there are giant blocks of illegal households, we must be especially careful and watch for irregularities in absentee ballot votes. Other areas to scrutinize are Sanctuary Cities such as California, where the honor system is still apparent and a state with a massive margin of legal workers and their families have illegally settled. More honest and reliable answers at NUMBERSUSA.
August 10, 2010
11:15 p.m.
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Letters: Arizona law not unconstitutional
We should all remember that instant citizenship under the misuse of the 14th Amendment doesn't end with taxpayers awarding illegal immigrant Mothers with the cost of giving birth? The actual expense commences after the baby is born, as the parents can collect welfare for the baby and access to low income housing. Afterwards the Mother who is always permitted to stay, even though she triggered a criminal act, now her husband and other children and parents can domicile in a section 8 home. Once settled the cycle isn't over, as if she intentionally becomes pregnant again, knows those extra mouths to feed will also become the taxpayers burden. An sample of these costs is fully described in the Spring issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 2005.
Its available for all to read and will certainly depress you, and then activating a rising fury that you are paying each year from your taxes, to accommodate thousands of illegal expectant mothers of foreign countries from around the world.
The 14th Amendment must corrected, that one family member must be a citizen.. Consider this factual story from a report Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 2005. of one illustrative family to show how reality is the sum of the seen and the unseen. The Silverios from Stockton, California, are illegal aliens seen as hard-laboring fruit-pickers with family values. Cristobal Silverio came illegally from Oxtotilan, Mexico, in 1997 and brought his wife Felipa, plus three children aged 19, 12, and 8. Felipa, mother of the bride Lourdes (age 19), gave birth to a new daughter, her anchor baby, named Flor. Flor was premature, spent three months in the neonatal incubator, and cost San Joaquin Hospital more than $300,000. Meanwhile, Lourdes plus her illegal alien husband produced their own anchor baby, Esmeralda. Grandma Felipa created a second anchor baby,Cristian. Anchor babies are valuable. A disabled anchor baby is more valuable than a healthy one. The two Silverio anchor babies generate $1,000 per month in public welfare funding. Flor gets $600 per month for asthma. Healthy Cristian gets $400. Cristobal and Felipa last year earned $18,000 picking fruit. Flor and Cristian were paid $12,000 for being anchor babies. This illegal alien family’s annual income tops $30,000. Cristobal Silverio, when drunk one Saturday night, crashed his van. Though he had no auto insurance or driver’s license, and owed thousands of dollars, he easily bought another van.
August 10, 2010
11:14 p.m.
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Letters: Arizona law not unconstitutional
Now consider that FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) Illegal Immigration expenditures have reached $113 Billion annually, prejudiced Drain on U.S. Taxpayers. With an addition of $60 billion of illegal wages spirited out of the country as a legal remittance, with the compliments of numerous American banks. With probably the highest jobless rate since the great depression, it is estimated by FAIR, that 8.5 million illegal alien labor is still employed this side of the border. Not only has each subsequent president refused to build a solid obstacle, along the perimeter of our national border. But in most places it doesn't even exist. The colonization of foreign nationals would never have happened, if the 1986 administration had honored its promise to the American people of enforcing employment laws and deploying the National Guard along the fence (s) .
Since the inception of the Simpson/ Mazzoli bill in Congress every administration has neglected the laws. Now we have transplanted whole neighborhoods from other nations, which have culminated in Sanctuary cities. In the majority of these illegal alien havens, the prosecution of these people has waned. By tolerating these umbrellas of sanctuary cities and communities unknown numbers of citizens and legal residence have been murdered. Arizona and the city of Phoenix have been inundated with illegal national crime that as a border-state stepping stone of drop houses where thousands of impoverished people has spread to every niche around the country. So is it that a pregnant female can procreate here and have even more children, that owing to the misconstruction of the 14th Amendment the babies become instant citizens and then the family have an immediate stay of deportation and once again the welfare offices beckon the mother and an abundance of freebies are given. In California--a Sanctuary State is another border states with a massive population of illegal immigrants.
August 10, 2010
11:13 p.m.
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Letters: Arizona law not unconstitutional
California has tried to cater to literary millions of foreign households has brought the state to the very edge of bankruptcy. If the state was not overrun with illegal immigrants billions of dollars would be saved, and would be available to the rightful citizens This misplaced loyalty of elected officials supporting other countries poor, would have partially healed that states economy as with many other states. These extra costs have tabled many important health care, eye services and dentistry to the real citizenship and permanent residents. Look to your own states before it’s too late and throw out all incumbents, who are pushing for another Amnesty catastrophe. Many more millions will be ready to rush the border, should Sen. Harry Reid and his associates would have Obama sign this new law. The banner across the world will bring even more paupers, thinking that sometime yet another amnesty will be evident. Call your Senator and Representative at the Capitol or at the state level not to vote for any Amnesty at 202-224-3121 NumbersUSA has many answers?
* Canada was the last non-U.S. holdout. Illegal aliens stopped getting citizenship for their babies in 2009. Australia's birthright citizenship requirements are much more stringent than those of H.R. 1868 and took effect in 2007.New Zealand repealed in 2006. Ireland repealed in 2005. France repealed in 1993.India repealed in 1987.United Kingdom repealed in 1983.Portugal repealed in 1981
America is the laughing stock of the industrialized nations. Only the U.S. values its citizenship so commonly as to distribute it status haphazardly to the progeny of foreign citizens visiting Disneyland or other entertainment mecca. Or a tourist, worker, student with visas from other foreign lands, who have violated their promises to leave once their visa expires, as well as to those who sneak across our national borders.
H.R. 1868 by Rep. Gary Miller of California would merely change the federal law (passed by Congress) that currently requires giving U.S. citizenship to these babies. Today we should only be giving citizenship to the babies of whom either the Mother or Father holds US citizenship?
August 7, 2010
1:37 p.m.
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Duncan gaining support for bill
No state has remained untouched in supporting monetarily illegal aliens and families as welfare is easily accessible through citizen-children born here under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. According to FAIR, (Federation for American Immigration Reform) Illegal Immigration expenditures have reached $113 Billion annually as a Drain on U.S. Taxpayers, with a very large plus additional of $60 billion dollars earned by illegal aliens in the U.S. each year. This being Mexico's largest revenue streams (after exports and oil sales) consists of money sent home by legal immigrants and illegal aliens working in America.
Those who believe we can keep on accepting millions of people annually should read this repeated excerpt about a family of illegal immigrants described in the Spring 2005 Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons: Below is the consequences of the instant citizenship that has become a national plague in the last twenty years.
“Cristobal Silverio came illegally from Oxtotilan, Mexico, in 1997 and brought his wife Felipa, plus three children aged 19, 12 and 8. Felipa … gave birth to a new daughter, her anchor baby, named Flor. Flor was premature, spent three months in the neonatal incubator, and cost San Joaquin Hospital more than $300,000. Meanwhile, (Felipa’s 19-year-old daughter) Lourdes plus her illegal alien husband produced their own anchor baby, Esmeralda. Grandma Felipa created a second anchor baby, Cristian. … The two Silverio anchor babies generate $1,000 per month in public welfare funding. Flor gets $600 per month for asthma. Healthy Cristian gets $400. Cristobal and Felipa last year earned $18,000 picking fruit. Flor and Cristian were paid $12,000 for being anchor babies.” This is of course Mexico, but other countries citizens are aware of this gaping hole, especially poor undeveloped countries. But for the price of an airline ticket, they can gain access to American hospitals and receive free natal treatment, as well as the baby born there where payment reverts to the taxpayer.
Closely scrutinize any new lawmaker relating to their platform on illegal immigration. The power of our vote can deny them access to Washington or State government. Demand they follow the "Rule of Law" People who comment should stand up to the plate and bombard their federal lawmakers at 202-224-3121 NumbersUSA has an immigration grading system showing who should not be reelected in Mid-Term elections. For .Facts, figures and other statistics at Immigration Counters.
Copy, Paste & Distribute freely without copyright.
June 23, 2010
12:34 a.m.
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Letters: Ariz. governor showed guts in signing law
Yesterday, several Senators led by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) learned of a possible plan by the White House to provide an Amnesty to the nation's estimated 11-18 million illegal aliens through an executive order. The move would take immigration enforcement out of the hands of Congress and place it in the hands of the Executive Branch.call your Members of Congress at (202) 224-3121 to express your outrage at Pres. Obama's plan to provide Amnesty through Executive Order. Learn more at NumberUSA.
When is the corrupt members of the US government, Mexican administration, stop interfering with "THE PEOPLE'S RULE OF LAW of this nation? How can OUR government get involved in the state of Arizona's laws and Nebraska. One thing for sure Obama and his Liberal-Communist Czars are heading towards an all out war, on American soil. taxpayers have been supporting foreign nationals and "Anchor Babies" for years. Hundreds of billions of dollars from the federal and state treasuries is underwriting people who have--NO RIGHT--to be here. Enough is Enough! Learn more at NumbersUSA. WE ARE GOING TO LOSE OUR COUNTRY IF WE DON'T THROW OUT ALL PRO-AMNESTY INCUMBENTS, STARTING WITH SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV) IN NOVEMBER?
May 30, 2010
5:27 p.m.
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Editorial: Results should be more important than rhetoric
It’s a sick joke on the American people? Our Southern border still remains wide open, to anybody who can slip by the limited US Border Patrol. The border fence promised to us by Congress, called the 2006 Secure Border Act, was compromised by the Liberal-Democratic leadership, who secretly cut funding—so we ended up with an uncompleted single layer fence and—NOT TWO FENCES AS ORIGINALLY ENACTED. The—second—fence a thousand foot distance from the main concrete and Steele fence was to be constructed similar to prison chain-link fence, adorned with nasty razor wire that would have extended from California to Brownsville, TX. But Senator Reid (D-NV) and his compatriots severed this effectiveness by not including the second fence.
Next in the hall of shame, President Obama hoped to placate the 72 percent of Americans who want rigid border security and a halt to illegal immigration and deployed 1200 National Guardsman. However, the troops are not to be armed, but as a cameo appearance. In fact they will not be assisting with arrests, but mostly to be there in administrative positions; such as running computers. This is ludicrous and has no power to assist the courageous Border agents or the undermanned county police in holding back the continuing rush of illegal aliens across the border. NO WONDER ARIZONA HAS HAD TO ENACT ITS OWN POLICING LAWS? THE US GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN SEEN FOR DECADES, NOT TO ENFORCE IMMIGRATION LAWS. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION INVASION AND HOW IT AFFECTS YOU? THE COSTS TO SUPPORT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION AND CORPORATE WELFARE, IN CHEAP LABOR IS IN THE BILLIONS ANNUALLY. Learn the facts at NumbersUSA & Judicial Watch.
May 30, 2010
5:26 p.m.
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Editorial: Results should be more important than rhetoric
Silence from most Liberal oriented newspapers about the thousands of anti -illegal immigrant, pro-sovereignty crowds who packed a baseball stadium in Tempe, Arizona This huge congregation have concluded that, the law in Arizona represents not only this border state but every US state. That it is deemed as important to every state from the West to East coast? Every US state has been impacted by 20 to 30 million illegal aliens and to give them --AMNESTY--will be adverse to the "Rule of Law." These people no matter the violation stole into America and have in the majority of cases lived of the taxes of honest citizens-legal residents. The liberal press have mocked the truth and tried to hide that 72 percent of Americans who believe that every state should have a right to enact immigration policing laws, when the federal government refuses to do so.
The only way President Obama is going to pass Comprehensive Immigration reform, is forcing down the throat of the population. IF THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATIONS THROUGH BUSH, CLINTON HAD ENFORCED THE 1986 SIMPSON/MAZZOLI BILL AND STOPPED THE INVASION THIS ECONOMIC TRAVESTY WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED. Any path to citizenship will costs taxpayers extra billions, because those who are legitimized can then bring in their extended family. LEARN THE UGLY TRUTH AT NumbersUSA & Judicial Watch
Attn: Be aware that illegal immigrants, who have violated the law, may try to vote for pro-amnesty incumbent lawmakers in primary and November elections?
May 29, 2010
3:39 p.m.
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Rally in opposition to immigration law
It’s an outrage that the law enacted by the State of Arizona has been deemed unconstitutional, even though the US government refuses to build the—REAL—fence(s), or stop the invasion from foreign forces (illegal aliens.) Learn the facts at www.numbersusa.com Join the Tea Party or NUMBERSUSA who will tell you the truth, not lies. MORE FACTUAL INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT www.judicialwatch.org. Instead we have a poorly built fence with areas not even covered. In large open areas you can still see that Mexico-USA is only separated by leaning fence posts, with limp rusty barbed wire. Other sections are complimented with nothing more than vehicle barriers, you can casually stroll around. The second fence was a facsimile of a prison chain link crowned with razor wire, at a thousand yards distance from the main fence. In the no-man’s land in between was to be a double track for the US Border Patrol to interdict drugs and mass movement into America of illegal immigrants.
There are about 20 to 30 million criminal aliens in the United States and the Federal government does very little to stop this invasion. The US Constitution under Article 4, section 4, requires the Federal government to stop invasions: “…… and [The United States] shall protect each of them [the States] against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive
DEMAND FROM YOUR REPRESENTATIVES WHY THEY ARE LYING TO US ABOUT THE—REAL—FENCES, COMPROMISED BY THE MAJORITY DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP, LED BY NO OTHER THAN SENATOR HARRY REID (D-NV) AN AVID PRO-AMNESTY ZEALOT. Call your Senators and your Representative in Washington y dialing the Capitol Switchboard and asking to be transferred to your Senators'/Congressman’s offices. The switchboard phone number is (202) 224-3121
May 28, 2010
7:03 p.m.
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Hughs: Speaking of immigration, guns, the Pill and evil
Investigate and read about the--REAL--border fence. Rep. Duncan Hunter introduced the 2006 Secure Fence Act, which in truth is (TWO) fences? Not the project underfunded by the majority of Lib-Democrats. The second fence was a facsimile of a prison chain link crowned with razor wire, at a thousand yard distance from the main fence. In the no-man’s land in between was a double track for the US Border Patrol to interdict drugs and mass movement into America of illegal immigrants. Learn the facts at www.numbersusa.com
May 28, 2010
7:02 p.m.
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Hughs: Speaking of immigration, guns, the Pill and evil
State Senator Scott Brown defeated the Democratic, Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley this year in the US special election. Next to go was Senator Arlen Specter who like so many others would amplify the amount of foreign nationals entering our country? Incumbents who have strained our confidence, led by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who has distinguished himself as anti-sovereignty and pro—amnesty will be joining the bad apples. Next to bite the bullet in November a growing run down of charlatans, as Janet Napolitano, Holder, Morton, Graham, Schumer and a lengthy list of politicians who would bring millions more desperate, impoverished people into the country for taxpayers to feed and house. Senator Feinstein has betrayed California as she initiated the first Sanctuary City Now the whole state is struggling with massive welfare debts, who along with the Mayor of Los Angeles and San Francisco who have colluded against their own residents. But we must still be on our guard as there are more eligible legislators playing into the hands of ethno-centralist, faith and religious groups, unions such as the SIEU and entities who are anti-closed borders that include the ACLU and The Council of Foreign Relations.
May 28, 2010
7:01 p.m.
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Hughs: Speaking of immigration, guns, the Pill and evil
In desperation Arizona like so many other states are being forced into this ugly solution, of enforcing policing laws such as 287 (G) as widespread financial recovery is impossible without sealing and denying illegal immigrants any kinds of welfare benefits. Our economy cannot recover unless we stop instant entitlements to illegal alien families or instant citizenship for children (Anchor Babies) who can draw from taxpayer’s benefits. Realize that the dollar amounts transferred to foreign banks from illegal workers under-the-table wages, or the never specified amounts that are extracted from taxpayers for health care, education and silent welfare programs is beyond imagination. THE US GOVERNMENT FOR DECADES HAVE REFUSED TO ENFORCE SUCH IMMIGRATION LAWS, SUCH AS THE 1986 SIMPSON/MAZZOLI BILL. Like the national border between Guatemala and Mexico, troops should be stationed the full length of the border, complete with the rigid Mexican Immigration laws.
May 28, 2010
7 p.m.
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Hughs: Speaking of immigration, guns, the Pill and evil
Almost all states are suffering under this terrible reality as Liberal-backed state assemblies, catering to every foreign national who ignores an expired visa or slips past the border fences in search of handouts. The use of E-verify can reduce illegal immigrants hunting for work to some extent, but it must be a permanent tool that every business must execute. We must fight any pro-amnesty legislation or fall foul to even more uncountable numbers of foreign laborers stealing jobs and then sending billions of dollars abroad. The make-up of Liberal opportunists in Washington are now in power, but they haven’t expected opposition from the growing ranks of the Tea Party movement or the regional groups of anti-illegal immigrant groups also growing in number such as WWW.NUMBERSUSA.COM. We are a nation divided and all who see the imminent danger of overpopulation, the astronomical costs involved, need to vote them out of office—those lawmakers who would desecrate our future. We need fresh complexions for Washington and all states that stand for the majority of Americans. Those governors, majors, judges, police chiefs who don’t conform to the will of the people, can join the 15 million unemployed our dollars to other lands.
September 17, 2009
5:08 p.m.
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Town Hall meeting: Nation needs prayer
Its time to re-examine instant citizenship (Anchor babies) which hasn't been illuminated enough, to growing concern of the American public. For decades now pregnant women have arrived on tourist’s visas, through the fence and even at ports of call. Very aware of our mis-interpreted law governing "birthright citizenship", that attributes full rights to the Mother of an illegal immigrant. How can Americans benefit from this Health care reform package, when we must subsidize millions of households and not just the original interloper? Outlined in the spring issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons is an article that will stun a prudent person. An illegal alien entered the states in 1997 to work as a fruit picker, bringing with him his wife and three children; all illegal aliens.
The lady gave birth to a fourth child, and with that birth the family had an "anchor baby"—an American citizen by birth, who provided the entire family with a free pass to remain in the United States permanently and collect government, subsides. Unfortunately the baby was born prematurely, spent three months in the neonatal incubator, and cost the San Joaquin Hospital more than $300,000. Meanwhile, the oldest daughter married an illegal alien and gave birth to her own anchor baby, and then the wife gave birth to yet another baby. ALL PAID FOR BY—YOU!
September 17, 2009
5:06 p.m.
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Town Hall meeting: Nation needs prayer
This is just one taxpayer example of the 'Rule of law' that has cost taxpayers billions of dollars. A nurse admitted last weekend, according to Review-Journal reported that cash-strapped UMC hospital in Nevada is providing more than $20 million a year in emergency dialysis care for uninsured, illegal immigrants. Is American society insane when poverty stricken Americans are turned away, go bankrupt and sometimes die? TAXPAYERS ARE TAXED FOR THIS, BUT NOT FOR OUR OWN PEOPLE? We must insist that a Birthright Citizenship lawsuit be filed with the federal court and its original intent revisited? That E-Verify should be fully funded and a highly skilled MIT team, building on the original Immigration enforcement database to a highest level of security that cannot be compromised by the use of fraudulent documents.
The PC oriented application must be installed permanently on every business computer across this country? ICE should have the manpower to audit every workplace, with the power to arrest and detain employers who snub immigration laws? Repeat offenders should be dealt with harshly, including prison and confiscation of business assets. There should be no mitigating excuses because illegal immigrants are—STEALING JOBS-- on any rung of the employment ladder? These employers for years have been an intended magnet for destitute labor in many cases, but have left the burden of paying for schooling for the children, health care and a veiled miscellaneous core of government handouts to US taxpayers. THIS IS NOT ABOUT RACISM, BUT AN ULTIMATE FINANCIAL MATTER OF SURVIVAL FOR US ALL! Coincidentally, I want a government health care, specially for some low income American family members.
Insist your politicians guarantee E-Verify is fully funded and is not scuttled by Sen. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Janet Napolitano or any other high ranking Democrats. The Washington switchboard has their number at 202-224-3121. Research these laws, true facts and incredulous stats at NUMBERSUSA & JUDICIAL WATCH
September 3, 2009
1:38 a.m.
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1,000 join Corker's health care debate
Guess we all knew the special interest groups, lead by the US Chamber of Commerce and a large majority of pro-illegal worker organization, would try to upend the US Federal court order from applying E-Verify in September? If I had my way I, as a citizen would--BOYCOTT-- any company, store, factory, farm or manufacturing plant that didn't display an E-Verify notice in their working place? They certainly don't care one-iota for the American worker jobless or not? Both illegal immigration and health care are tied into the same knot and will have a hard time passing either. Immigration reform will be the battle of the century and all those politicians who sign up for it, are likely be signing up also for unemployment benefits.
This piece of potential immigration reform legislation, is not being fully advanced to the public and veiled until after enactment? Legislators have dug there immigration reform grave and must now suffer the consequences. Except they are looking for an easy avenue, to get out of the coffin they hammered in with their own nails. As with most civilized countries we are predisposed to treatment for any illegal alien in emergency hospitals. Except that these hospitals have become an open-house for any minor ailment to very expensive problems like dialysis?. In addition any public option, must have some stipulation in the bill that rejects illegal immigrants from gaining access. The problem is there is absolutely nothing in this health care bill containing any text to--CLOSE LOOPHOLES--that would disallow millions of illegal immigrants from participating?
September 3, 2009
1:37 a.m.
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1,000 join Corker's health care debate
Either way illegal Immigrants will get full access to THE PEOPLES health care, if the Democrats pass a path to citizenship or better known as BLANKET AMNESTY. The American people no longer believe in the propaganda that spills from the national press, about the illegal immigrant travesty, public health care from the mob in Washington? Perhaps we should look towards the single payer system that has succeeded in Europe? Instead of listening to the choking rhetoric from the special interest organizations that have erupted on radio and television. As for myself, I agree with a public option plan, but without the weight of paying for illegal immigrants and families as well.
They can yell from the hills that there is only 13 million foreign nationals and families occupying our soil, but that number has been programmed into us for about 10 years. Most bloggers estimate at least twenty million plus, with more appearing everyday and more on the way if a path to citizenship is forced through the Congress? How counterproductive can this be in passing health care treatment, when the teeming numbers already here pay nothing in the emergency room? Even the employers who hire them pay nothing, then slink away and leave the debt for taxpayers to pick up or the hospital to absorb? Even if it could be calculated the amount of money in government expenditures over decades, given to support these invaders, it would pay for the wars our politician subject us too? When are these pandering lawmakers going to work for all Americans and protect their jobs. Which they didn't establish in the original stimulus bills, but even then left a gaping loophole for illegal foreign workers to take advantage of?
We must assure that all American workers are gainfully employed, not individuals who have no right to be in our nation? It makes me sick to see veterans of Korea, Viet-Nam, the Gulf war walking the streets homeless, while illegal immigrants get gratification from employers and lawmakers. WE NO LONGER CAN SUPPORT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. OUR COUNTRY IS NEAR BANKRUPTCY. DEMAND E-VERIFY TO CHECK THE IMMIGRATION STATUS FOR EVERY US WORKER, BY CONTACTING YOUR LAWMAKER AT 202-224-3121. VOTERS SHOULD COMMAND NO MORE WEAKENING OF ANY LAWS INCLUDING 1986 (IRCA) IMMIGRATION CONTROL & REFORM ACT. JOIN NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH AND BE STUNNED HOW MILLIONS OF VOICES HAVE MADE AN INCREDULOUS DIFFERENCE.
May 24, 2009
6:13 p.m.
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Griscom: Stage set to revamp higher ed
Not a word about the true nature of the massive problems in the Sanctuary State--California. Illegal Immigration and the pandering by the Sacramento legislators, who have ignored voices of the inhabitants in this all encompassing crisis.
Illegal immigration is once again on the front burner of issues. We cannot hide from the fact that once Proposition 187 was snuffed by a liberal judge, and manipulated so not to reach reaching the highest court. Now California and other state budgets are starting to suppurate The cost is almost unmentionable if you ask City Manager Andronovich as they have reached pandemic proportions and must be neutralized or the budget meltdown will keep mounting.
April 14, 2009
7:24 p.m.
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Editorial: Immigration issue not going away
President Obama is at the helm in a battle of the century, that is about to commence. Illegal Immigration is more expensive to taxpayers than anybody realize? Only because the inception of the Internet are millions of people aware of the consequences. Experimentalist stay silent, because rich donors have paid for their silence. But the consequences are obvious--OVERPOPULATION! I personally have signed on to a single payer health care system rumored on the Capitol beltway. The only problem illegal immigrants will tap into Universal health care.
In a progressive agenda for AMNESTY, is that the new immigrants will vote largely Democrat, because of resistance of other parties. Unions have adapted to the same, because their own ranks are full of illegal alien workers. This in addition means claiming a large blocks of Union dues and more influence in the Congress. Even the Catholic church has been ostracized by it's practitioners, owing to child predatory nature of priest, who have been shielded by the church. Their religion has found a financial windfall, in illegal aliens crossing our distressed border from Catholic countries. The anti-sovereignty, pro-illegal immigration army is amassed against common sense. A new AMNESTY will bring millions more to America's shores and border. It will be another tremendous burden on taxpayers in caring for the poor, their children and sick. The danger to our countries resources is environmental catastrophe. Find facts at NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIALWATCH, CAPSWEB.
February 12, 2009
7:19 p.m.
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$790 billion stimulus deal reached
The two E-VERIFY amendments that had been accepted by the House Appropriations Committee, were stripped without discussion or debate in Senate committees.
Voice your anger and frustration at Pelosi and Reid, they should be ashamed that they are ignoring the American worker.
Contact Pelosi: (202) 224-3542
Contact Reid: (202) 224-3542
Washington Switchboard for your Senator or Congressman at (202) 224-3121
December 9, 2008
12:20 a.m.
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McMinn struggles as jobs are lost
Mayors have gone to Washington, cap-in-hand--looking for taxpayer bailouts. Why are Americans ignoring the fact that places as Los Angeles, San Francisco have been financially supporting millions of low income illegal aliens for years. 37 million in the United States, according to Tucson BP Union. Millions more ready to pour across the border, after Obama steps in to the Oval Office. Thousands of citizens and legal residents have been murdered or otherwise victimized, under the illegal local government 'Sanctuary' policies. Read the facts at www.judicialwatch.org, www.numbersusa.com, www capsweb.org and www.americanpatrol.com Only here can you read about the illegal immigration invasion and the consequences of OVERPOPULATION.
November 8, 2008
6:41 p.m.
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