Friday, August 5, 2011

Las Vegas Sun 7/11/08 at 6:26 1/20/08 at 3:51 p.m

A new AMNESTY is in the works from Senator Obama, McCain which will flood America with even more of poor, illiterate foreign labor. Those who steal across our perforated fence, includes the criminal element with a third world country mentality. Each day citizens are slain on the roads of America, by drunk illegal drivers. Then we have the street gangs protected by 'Sanctuary cities' like Los Angeles.
The unsuppressed news reports will tell you about the child pedophiles, female assaults, murders, robbers and Social security theft. Our government secretly skims from your payroll checks, 356 billion dollars annually to support the illegal immigration occupation of our nation.
Unfortunately this is not all, because this doesn't take into account expenditure on education, health care or our overcrowded prison system.
More unsuppressed facts at NUMBERSUSA. Join for free hundreds of thousands of others who have had enough of the invasion.
(Suggest removal) 7/11/08 at 6:26 p.m.
Diversity Alliance for Sustainable America. stated in it's article that if the U.S. grants amnesty and gives citizenship to 12 to 30 million illegal migrants, as Senators Obama and McCain propose. All those naturalized citizens could possibly add 120 million U.S. and foreign-born relatives to the U.S., in the next 20 years whom ALL CONSUME ENERGY. Then again, if America adopted the SAVE ACT ,millions of illegal aliens would leave these shores, gas would be more obtainable. Today our highways are clogged with vehicles, but since Arizona started clamped down on illegal workers, the road traffic has thinned out. Along with nuclear energy, wind power, off-shore drilling these resources and other avenues might sustain us for years to come. Drilling for oil, natural gas in the gulf or both oceans, has new innovative methods that will not cause contamination. You must decide your children's future, your jobs by demanding Democrats sponsor the Federal SAVE ACT (H.R.4088 enforcement in the workplace) Call toll-free (2022243121 )
NUMBERSUSA. Tell everybody..!
(Suggest removal) 6/22/08 at 11:31 a.m.
The president to be McCain or Obama are going to swamp America, with another AMNESTY proposal. That will legalize millions that taxpayers will be forced to support. Then millions more from third world countries will hop the border, looking for free handouts and nothing on earth will stop the rush.
Backroom discussions continue on whether to de-fund effective efforts that deter illegal immigration
U.S. House leaders continue to gauge whether next Tuesday (June 24) they can escape public wrath if they take funding away from a couple of the most effective enforcement procedures resulting in illegal aliens leaving the country.
No. 1: 287(g) program allowing and equipping local agencies to arrest and detain illegal aliens of all kinds.
No. 2: Arrests of any illegal alien encountered while looking for criminal alien fugitives.
You can continue to phone committee members at 202-224-3121, asking for expanded funding for the 287(g) program for local immigration enforcement.
Anti-Enforcement Ideas Circulating. For additional unsuppressed details NUMBERSUSA.
(Suggest removal) 6/21/08 at 7:35 p.m.
Who has the best ideology for change in our nation? Senator McCain is a 'dark horse' who signed onto the lefts bill to enact comprehensive Immigration reform, that if passed would have been a paramount blow on any taxpayers. Potential president Obama, has always been direct about his obvious intentions to sign into law a new AMNESTY. McCain? One cannot be sure what his intentions? McCain is a true globalist, which to me means outsourcing of jobs to other countries, and the same badly negotiated free trade agreements like NAFTA. The North American Free-trade agreement, has become a dark hole where billions of dollars have vanished in treaties, that have handed America over to the International corporate CARTELS. These mega corporations hold no loyalty to any country and have exported jobs to the lowest bidder. Globalist have already eroded the sovereign rights of many nations in the European Union.
Culminating in free movement of poor peoples labor undermining the European indigenous population to large amounts of immigration. The same agenda is anticipated in 2009, unless the citizens and legal resident doesn't stop this assault on our own job market. Obama will have a titanic fight on his hands, if he tries to force the plan of ethnic caucuses and special interest entities on 80 percent of the population. Taxpayers cannot afford to support the millions of illegal aliens, attracted to this nation by predatory employers. With a massive importation deficit from China, Mexico, India and other countries. This explosive rise in our nation's trade deficit is another fundamental menace to this country and our economy. The trade deficit through the first 11 months of last year came in at $662 billion dollars, on pace to jump 17 percent from 2004's record deficit. In fact, the trade deficit has nearly doubled since the president Bush took office and still gaining momentum. Perhaps McCain would sign an executive order to halt ear-marks, but that doesn't stop the avalanche of cheap imported products. Americans should first halt the unfettered influx of millions of illegal immigrants and give the majority of these jobs, back to the legal individuals. After the borders are closed, shut then perhaps a guest worker program can be installed, but without citizenship. Democrats must endorse the SAVE ACT (H.R.4088) to bring orderly immigration back to our country.
(Suggest removal) 6/10/08 at 5:04 p.m.
Other states are now catching on to the innovative fact, that they to have the power to enforce anti-illegal immigration laws. Outside the rhetoric, lies and propaganda fed to us by the biased press and the immense influence of the special interest lobby. Arizona has proved to American states that we can do, without being overrun by the illegal immigration invasion. So Arizona and a few other states have enforced the 'Rule of Law' without being subservient to the pro-illegal immigration entities. For those who fear (ICE) and a growing consortium police departments, that now have the power to question and arrest illegal foreign nationals. No longer welcome by the residents of Arizona, illegal families are leaving in droves, and now longer a costly expenditure on taxpayers.
Where do you think the illegal immigrants are fleeing to, that have left Arizona? On the other hand, with the new predator employment sanction laws being enforced, Arizona is finding a most agreeable resurrection from the pestilence that had fed of the social welfare programs. The state has watched in amazement as highways have become less congested, the emergency rooms not crowded with foreign nationals getting free health care and the schools occupants have suddenly thinned out, and children getting more attention. These are just a few of the economic upturns, since illegal families started fleeing.
Who knows their destination California or may be...Utah? Other state are already following Arizona sudden rebound, including Georgia, Oklahoma, Missouri and Rhode Island. If you like the designation of a 'Sanctuary city' or sanctuary state, keep pandering to the special interest lobby. Read about Arizona's sudden turn-around at ( ( ) More intelligence for you to absorb. ( See unsuppressed details at NUMBERSUSA. By Demanding that the potentates of the Democratic party co-author the Federal SAVE ACT (H.R.4088) we can 'SAVE' American jobs and our future.
(Suggest removal) 5/26/08 at 11:06 a.m.
It's becoming a way of life everyday to hear, read that some illegal national has committed a crime. Always telling us illegal aliens are doing jobs that Americans won't do, is a downright lie. A case in point is this foreign national, working as a correction officer. Then 12 illegal workers earning $28.00 an hour in the shipyard, in Newport news Virginia.
When America has become bloated with illegal aliens, with thousands of violent gang members terrorizing our streets. California is occupied by an abomination of street gangs without, any conscious of destroying human life. Immigrants are the epitome of what America great!Not illegal aliens who ignored the law of our sovereignty. Strong minded spirits that will fight for what they believe is right. The law is all the separates innocent citizens from the imported criminal element from other countries. Only enforcement of our immigration laws will rid us of the child violators, women rapists, gang bangers, robbers and murderers.
People who think their votes doesn't count, when it comes to the illegal immigration politics is wrong! When timid Governors, Mayors or boards of city supervisors should be carefully watched for how they vote. Then do not sit on your hands, explode in their mousy faces. You as a legal voter can bombard these cringing worms with your wrath and frustration. You have the most powerful tool available; access to the Internet. Most Departments of local government, even up to the federal level is available to you. Corner their secretaries, aides or any person who represents these morons and give them your heated opinion.
Illegal immigration all encompassing your Jobs and economic growth, energy independence, health care access, education and an overcrowded prison system. All these issues are impacted by the 12 to 30 million illegal immigration invasion. Predator employers would rather hire an illegal worker, than YOU? No workers compensation to pay, no health care and a miserable low wage. Without any compunction, pariah employers will dump their hired charges on hospital steps; then you the taxpayer covers th cost.
Please copy and paste and distribute freely where you can!
This is the only source you need to contact your representative at:
(Suggest removal) 4/29/08 at 5:55 p.m.
The pro-illegal immigrant special interests groups use the same MANTRA, as though by confusing the words is going to change the demands of the majority of logical thinking citizens and legal residents. Most national newspapers and the media, always categorizes ALL people who enter America as immigrants! There is a stark difference between those people who are inspected for contagious diseases, criminal backgrounds and have been issued a entry visa. People who ignore THE PEOPLE'S laws are illegal immigrants or illegal aliens? In most newspapers the editors have been brain-washed or lobotimised, because they refuse to illustrate the massive difference between legal and illegal. Their IS no exception to this rule. It is a travesty of our immigration enforcement laws!
Neither political parties can be trusted when it comes to the illegal immigration occupation of our country. More states are trying to enact strict laws for enforcement against predator employers. However, THE SAVE ACT has the teeth and packs the punch, to halt this pestilence overwhelming our wilting economy. Very few Senators and Representatives have THE PEOPLE' S best interest in mind. The Democratic hierarchy have specifically been pandering to special interest groups, and very few have offered to co-author THE FEDERAL SAVE ACT.
Keep calling your Democrat Representative today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-224-3121 AND REGISTER YOUR OUTRAGE at ongoing efforts to keep our country from enforcing its immigration laws!
Learn the suppressed news about the border fence at:
(Suggest removal) 4/7/08 at 1:48 p.m.
Although Nevada is not fully supporting its enacted immigration legislation, it still has made some effort. Other states such as Arizona, Georgia and Oklahoma have also listened to its taxpayers. However the globalist, open border, free traders have been silently implanted in our government and their main agenda is the free movement of cheap labor throughout the North American continent. The European Union is a good example of this, where indigenous peoples have been outsourced by mass foreign national cheap labor.
We can stop the travesty of our immigration laws, if only the majority of Democrats would co-sign the SAVE ACT. With only 18 more votes to go, we could bring this enforcement only bill to a vote. However, the Democrats want to attaches an addendum to the bill. It would give the 12 to 20 million foreign nationals occupying our nation, an easy ride to legality. This is wrong when millions wait for years patiently, to get THE PEOPLES permission to get a entry visa.
The SAVE ACT is a by-partisan law is awaiting just 18 signers, to bring this enforcement only to a House vote. The SAVE ACT will supersede any state laws, in its magnitude. It will go after the real culprits who are the predator employers. It is enforcement by Attrition or Self-Deportation. Cannot get work, then they will leave of their own accord.If you are one of the citizens fed up with subsiding the poor, uneducated from around the world. When the new personage steps into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, then we will be seeing the 12 to 20 million getting a path to citizenship. Nobody should have a right to legalization without going home and being processed like all immigrants.
YOU! And only YOU, can stop this travesty of our Immigration laws?
Tell your representatives to co-author THE SAVE ACT?
Congress is currently on recess through March 31st, so your representative will likely be in the home constituency and available to meet with its citizens.
FREE FAXES FOUND HERE. Keep calling your Congressmen today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-224-3121 AND REGISTER YOUR OUTRAGE at ongoing efforts to keep our country from enforcing its immigration laws!
(Suggest removal) 3/23/08 at 11:30 a.m.
Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) introduced the SAVE Act (H.R. 4088) on November 6, 2007, emphasizing the principles of Attrition Through Enforcement The SAVE Act will broaden and enhance border security and interior enforcement. With a number of Democrats (51 ) including 3 Senators and Republicans (96) that includes 5 Senators have already agreed to co-sponsor. This bipartisan effort may be Congress’s last chance to achieve substantial immigration reform this Congress, before the new pro-illegal immigrant President strides into Washington. The question is why are Democrats are not co-authoring the SAVE ACT in greater numbers? Democrats in my family are asking the same question?
Demand your representative co-sponsor the SAVE ACT. Fax for free your Senator or Congressman at NUMBERSUSA.COM
Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) introduced the SAVE Act (H.R. 4088) on November 6, 2007, emphasizing the principles of Attrition Through Enforcement The SAVE Act will broaden and enhance border security and interior enforcement. With a number of Democrats (51 ) including 3 Senators and Republicans (96) that includes 5 Senators have already agreed to co-sponsor. This bipartisan effort may be Congress’s last chance to achieve substantial immigration reform this Congress, before the new pro-illegal immigrant President strides into Washington. The question is why are Democrats are not co-authoring the SAVE ACT in greater numbers? Democrats in my family are asking the same question?
Demand your representative co-sponsor the SAVE ACT. Fax for free your Senator or Congressman at NUMBERSUSA.COM
How long do taxpayers have to support pariah employers and the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in this nation?
(Suggest removal) 3/8/08 at 10:02 a.m.
But alas, millions have broken our laws to steal the American dream from honest citizens.
Get your Senator or Congressman to sponsor "The Save Act" , because its the right course for all taxpayers, who carry the burden of pariah employers. When the state of California is on the verge of bankruptcy, because the Governor, state congressman and city officials see nothing wrong with aiding and abetting the pro-illegal immigrant special interest groups? Whereas Georgia and Oklahoma have had enough and its legislators have enacted into law strict statutes to stop the bleeding of their treasuries. Right now the impact has been thousands of illegal aliens fleeing these states. California on the other hand has a massive budget deficit of $14.6 billion, which impact is causing a wide spectrum of cutbacks including education, social services. They are even going to release 22,000 low-risk inmates out of the prison system?
Taxpayers have to supplement thousands of rogue businesses who pay low wages and offer no health-care or any other benefits. Hence taxpayers are forced by Federal and state law to support the California population of foreign nationals with their large families, who need subsidized shelter, health-care and other government handouts they have never paid.
Right now the "Save Act" has a 138 signers, which includes 49 Democrats (which surprises me) and 90 Republicans. Found out more at NUMBERSUSA. It is the best compromise? Not perfect! But it's the best Washington can do?
Tell your do-nothing Senators to do the same and co-author "The Save Act."
The annual cost to taxpayers is about $22 billion a year according to Center for Immigration Studies and the tax burden will grow -- because 15 million more immigrants are set to arrive by year 2017 according to their latest research.
More than 10 million immigrants have arrived since year 2000; it is estimated that nearly 6 million are illegal. All told, the group of immigrants now account for 38 million at the moment according to the White House's own census bureau.
(Suggest removal) 1/20/08 at 3:51 p.m