Friday, August 5, 2011

Las Vegas Sun 8/18/08 at 5:42 p.m to 8/2/08 at 10:32 a.m.

Most of the biased press will never reveal this information to you? Nor will the ugly truth be revealed by corrupt Governors, Politicians and city administrators.
For those people who keep insisting that illegal aliens do not receive any federal free handouts.Fight back! Don't let Las Vegas, Nevada turn into a 'Sanctuary Refuge' for illegal aliens. It will cost taxpayers billions, like California and many other states. It will become a haven for the illegal alien criminal element, where police are not allowed to question their immigration status. Recall All Governors, Mayors and his genuflecting termites, who will run your community into the gutter
Our government already skims quietly of your wage packet 356 billion dollars to support illegal low income workers annually. However this is just a small portion of the enormous cost, that has been going on behind your backs for decades.This doesn't include education, free health care or prison services and much more not listed.
You wont believe this:
If your sick of it, DEMAND your Democrats endorse the Federal SAVE ACT (H.R. 4088) You decide here: NUMBERSUSA, CAPSWEB Read the truth not lies.
(Suggest removal) 8/18/08 at 5:42 p.m.
Neither Obama or McCain are committed to stopping the illegal immigration invasion.
Most Republican Nancy are correct in her thinking, because illegal immigration is not just hurting a few states, but every state in the union.
These politicians, advocates, pundits, better realize that illegal immigration is not going to be an issue they can brush under the rug. It's no longer Democrat versus Republican, or in this case Democrats are adverse to the original planned border fence and anything that has a sweet smell of rigid immigration enforcement. But I'm not even saying that the Democrats are the worst advocates of enforcing a laws, because many of the Republicans are pre-owned by the International Globalists.
Along with the Iraq War illegal immigration is costing American taxpayers at all different levels of government at least a trillion dollars each year.
Corrupt Incumbents need to thrown out of office? All & every politician that doesn't sponsor the Federal SAVE ACT (H.R.4088) Any elected official (Hired-help) which includes Governors, Mayors, councilman, city managers who pander to the Special Interest lobby. They should be tarred and feathered if they are in collusion with foreign governments like Mexico.
Taxpayers will be paying for both the illegal immigration insurgency and the welfare and profits for the predatory employers.
Ask your State representative energy conservation? How much gas, oil and electricity we could save, if we sent illegal aliens home.
We cannot keep up the demand for it right now! Oil! Diversity Alliance for Sustainable America.(earthtimes) stated in it's article that if the U.S. grants amnesty and gives citizenship to 12 to 30 million illegal migrants already here, as McCain, Obama and the majority of Democrats propose. That all those naturalized citizens could possibly add 120 million U.S. and foreign-born relatives to the U.S., in the next 20 years whom all will CONSUME MAJOR ENERGY. Does the American people need to escalate the 315 million plus population, the census estimates we have now? To a new total of 435 million?
Illegal Immigration is all enveloping our economy! Everything! Obama, McCain, Governors, Mayors, Councilors, City managers take notice! 80 percent of the American people are watching! How many more nefarious companies out their, violating safety and immigration laws.
The balkanization of our communities and a large and growing population with loyalty to other Nations. Just read this disturbing revelation of costs to the Taxpayer: GOOGLE these sites! Find the truth? numbersusa, snopes-under-politics, fairus, capsweb, americanpatrol, libertypost, vdare. Our politicians must endorse the Federal SAVE ACT (H.R.4088) before the next AMNESTY bill.
(Suggest removal) 8/18/08 at 11:48 a.m.
The article about Sheriff Joe Ariapo sweeps to grab illegal aliens off the streets, has caused a massive backlash in the Arizona newspapers. A secret battle is going on, between the pro-Sheriff and the Liberal-pro illegal immigrant zealots in the pages of AZ-Central e-magazine. It's has very irate citizens blasting those who see no wrong in the illegal alien invasion.

Sheriff Ariapo was elected by voters in Maricopa County and has a huge following.
Even tainted Governors like Neapolitano and Mayor Phil Gordon have been warned off? It seems like hundreds of thousands of Phoenix residents don't like the pro-illegal policies of the Governor and Mayor and calling for the latter's recall.
People in the city are fed up with the rising crime rate and have seen an escalation of criminal acts caused by illegal entrants. Fact is with destitute people looking for a free-handout by our government in this nation, amongst them have come heinous gang members that have been allowed by 'Sanctuary city' to get away with cold-blooded murder.
Death is an infestation in the neighborhoods of California, Colorado, Salt lake city. Jamiel Shaw Murdered. the Bolgna family with a AK47.
So Sheriff Ariapo in his own way is following the statutes of Arizona law and whether liberal-socialists like it or not, he has committed his deputies to remove illegal aliens.
AMNESTY is coming, and that means OVERPOPULATION within 20 years and unless we enforce our laws against predatory employers. We will be flooded with the dregs of third world countries in the millions until every state, county and city tax base is drowned in red ink.
NUMBERSUSA, CAPSWEB for truth not propaganda.
(Suggest removal) 8/14/08 at 2:22 p.m.
Even though I'm not a Democrat, my opinion is that Obama will win the presidential race? Personally I'm not happy with either party, because they both are going to force Amnesty through for illegal aliens. In regards to the financial stabilization, this is the biggest menace to American jobs and all our children's future. OVERPOPULATION will cause more issues, then anything else that confronts this country. Water shortages in the Southwest, lose of energy supplies and overuse of resources.
Even with about 80 percent of the American people against a path to citizenship, either McCain or Obama owe favors to an assortment of special interest lobby. Most of their campaign contributions come from power house of corporate entities, who like their steady stream of cheap labor. Our only chance is for the Democrat voters to demand the Federal SAVE ACT (H.R.4088)which will add an iron gauntlet to the laws on the books. More funding! Compared what taxpayers are spending now? PENNIES! It will cost astronomical sums of money if Comprehensive reform is secretly pushed through the Congress. Read about the facts and not rhetoric at NUMBERSUSA, CAPSWEB.
(Suggest removal) 8/12/08 at 7:52 p.m.
Don't argue and complain to each other, about these open border people. DO SOMETHING! Just griping gets us nowhere. They will use the 'Race Card' against anybody that is against their policy. They win a lot of the time, because our tainted politicians are a bunch of wimps. Overall the Democratic party wants to give every lawbreaker here a path to citizenship. I watch their platform on C-span tonight. Some guy named Diaz has it all mapped out. It's just another word for AMNESTY. The 12 to 30 million people squatting here, pays a fine.
What $3.000 dollars? Learn English and go to the back of the line. While thousands of new potential immigrants wait years patiently, in foreign countries. Why bother with this scenario of waiting, if other can steal across our undermanned border, and take up residents? Why?
I know when I came legally to America, I paid $2500 dollars for the service of an attorney. Jumped through hoops with the INS so called back then. Plus I had to sign an affidavit that I wouldn't become a public charge. However all those who come today illegally, know how to tap into the welfare 'Cash-cow' When you was released from Ellis Island back in the 20th century, you were only to glad to learn English, find work and grab at the American dream. Today these people from third world countries, still hold an allegiance to some foreign government and have no intentions of assimilating.
The only chance we have surviving this invasion, is demanding Democrats sponsor the Federal SAVE ACT (H.R.4088) They don't want to, because if these millions of people get AMNESTY..they can vote! However, they will probably vote anyway!
Last chance for US, before November. Join NUMBERSUSA, CAPSWEB and fax for free your representative.
(Suggest removal) 8/12/08 at 7:45 p.m.
Do you want 436 million people living in this country in just 20 years?
Each incumbent, each new face must promise to seal the borders, according to the original plan of Rep.Duncan Hunter (R-CA) A two layer, high-rise fence with a wide no mans-land for US border vehicles to patrol. The Democrats gutted funding for this first line of defense. This would also stop deaths in the deserts and on the highways a thing of the past.
Any Politicians, any Governor, Mayor or elected degenerate will lie to us no matter what, to either get re-elected or to become the new guy on the block? We should make them sign a pledge, specifically when it comes to illegal immigration. This is a paramount issue, because it effects Americas economy and the non-reversible OVERPOPULATION? Every politician must pledge to renegotiate all Free Trade treaties, that is not one-sided, but harmonious to both parties and halt the agenda of cheap labor to saturate the North American Continent.
They must sponsor the Federal SAVE ACT (4088) to enforce our immigration laws with funding, more agents and the E-Verify system to assist honest companies and imprison pariah employers.The Fed's have a 99.5 percent success rate extracting illegal aliens on government payrolls. Demand all police departments have Immigration training, to ease the escalating crime rates across the country.
Their pledges must rescind all 'Sanctuary city' police policies or lose state and federal funding. We already are financially supporting 12 to 30 million illegal immigrants and their extended families. That when they swear on their Bible an oath of allegiance to the American people, they will fight both domestic and foreign enemies.
That means no AMNESTY, No path to citizenship by any illegal alien who stole into America? Find out the uncensored truth on Overpopulation at NUMBERSUSA and CAPSWEB.
(Suggest removal) 8/9/08 at 11:40 a.m.
I came to America through the front door. In actual fact my ancestors were of the Inuit people in Russian, Alaska. My Great, Great grandfather was a Dutch Sea Captain who had a relationship with a female from the tribe. The lady which I know little about committed suicide, but left three children. The Svenson family had settle in Southampton, England and when my Great, Grandfather found out about the siblings, through a ships chandler. The children were spirited to England in the middle 19th century.
Even though I could connect my ancenstral heritage with Juneau, Alaska, because I was borne in England I had to undergo Immigration procedures. Firstly they checked my past through FBI, than a rigorous medical examination. Finally they did locate documents that my ancestors were born in Alaska. however, by that time I had jumped through the immigration hoops.
(Suggest removal) 8/5/08 at 3:12 p.m.
Read the undeniable facts that Illegal Immigration for three decades has flooded America with poverty. It looks like it will never stop. Unless the American people demand the exodus of the millions that are already here. Then stop those waiting patiently to slip through the undermanned border fence. Only the enactment of the Federal SAVE ACT (H.R.4088) enforcement only. Just read the traumatic, severe financial impact of growing issue. Overpopulation, congestion, urban sprawl, pollution, environmental damage, crime, diminishing resources, Diseases, lack of affordable housing, depressed wages, underground economic, fraudulent documents, identity theft, tax evasion, soaring crime rate, increased tax burdens, overcrowded schools, uneducated citizen children, overcrowded prisons, inadequate health care.
The balkanization of our communities and a large and growing population with loyalty to other Nations. Just read this disturbing revelation of costs, ( Read the undeniable economic statistics at Read hard suppressed facts at (www.numbersusa. com).
(Suggest removal) 8/4/08 at 1:33 p.m.
You might want to ask your State representative energy conservation? How much gas, oil and electricity we could save, if we sent illegal aliens packing.
We cannot keep up the demand for it right now! Oil! Diversity Alliance for Sustainable America.(earthtimes) stated in it's article that if the U.S. grants amnesty and gives citizenship to 12 to 30 million illegal migrants already here, as McCain, Obama and the majority of Democrats propose. That all those naturalized citizens could possibly add 120 million U.S. and foreign-born relatives to the U.S., in the next 20 years whom all will CONSUME MAJOR ENERGY. Does the American people need to escalate the 315 million plus population, the census estimates we have now? To a new total of 435 million?
The executive director of (DASA) admitted "Proposal to reduce energy costs in the U.S. will not work unless we also simultaneously curb U.S. population growth by reducing immigration and curbing teen pregnancies." Severing the illegal immigration occupation and deporting those already here is a good start, but not the complete solution to this serious energy problem that cannot be reversed. Unless another Nikola Tesla, an underrated genius of the 19th century invents a some new form of energy, we will be reliant on fossil fuels for years to come? Clean coal, geothermal, eco-fuel and of course wind power and solar. The latter is energy that is a perpetual source of unimaginable power that knows no bounds.
As an American patriot and a Independent (populist) I have just donated $50.00 to judicial watch. They are a non-profit law group Promoting Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in Government, Politics and the Law & enforce citizens rights. The 9th District Court is a liberal-socialist, anti-sovereignty, pro-illegal immigration group of judges, who interprets the law from the bench. They undermined Californians Proposition 187, that would have terminated $billions of dollars in welfare benefits to illegal immigrants. Donate to JUDICIAL WATCH cause to effectively get the FEDERAL 'RICO LAW' interpreted by the US Supreme court and stop the travesty of our immigration laws and, fine, confiscate assets and imprison predatory employers. GOOGLE--Judicial Watch website for all details on government corruption. Join also NUMBERSUSA for free and read the truth, not lies released by our liberal, biased press.
(Suggest removal) 8/3/08 at 3:30 p.m.
The executive director Diversity Alliance for Sustainable America (earthtimes) have stated in it's article that if the U.S. grants amnesty and gives citizenship to 12 to 30 million illegal migrants, as Senators Obama and McCain propose. All those naturalized citizens could possibly add 120 million U.S. and foreign-born relatives to the U.S., in the next 20 years whom all would CONSUME MAJOR ENERGY. Proposals to reduce energy costs in the U.S. will not work unless we also simultaneously curb U.S. population growth by reducing immigration and curbing teen pregnancies."
Americans cannot afford to support illegal aliens here with our tax dollars, or the millions who will jump the fence in the future. Only THE FEDERAL SAVE ACT (H.R.4088)offers any chance of halting this overpopulation quagmire It's enactment will give ICE and the police more enforcement powers. Join NUMBERSUSA for free and become part of a solution and not lies.
(Suggest removal) 8/2/08 at 10:32 a.m.