Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Enforce our laws. Jan 28, 2012

Newt Gingrich has no right to offer any amnesty or path to citizenship to any person, as he is not paying for the unfunded mandates for their children's education, or family health care, food stamps, federal housing or other welfare or even a stint in America’s prison system. Nobody in this country should be financially supported by taxpayers, who entered this country illegally or should they get any kind of amnesty? Although President Obama by his special orders has already accomplished this, by deporting criminal aliens and other aliens are allowed to remain here. Problem is to get any job, you have to show your stolen ID and therefore that person has already committed a felony. They are already have stolen millions of jobs with forged or stolen Social Security numbers, birth records--now they want New Mexico provide or re-issue Drivers License?

What next allowed voting in state and federal elections, just like United States citizens? Isn't anything sacred anymore? Mind--illegal aliens have been voting in our elections, using fraudulent Absentee ballots and procured picture ID of a legal citizen in the same family? Fight back and join the TEA PARTY. Go to www.numbersUSA.com, www.judicialwatch.org and www.heritagefoundation.org for stomach churning details of where your taxes are going, for any person who slips past the border or flies in from foreign counties. Hopefully citizen’s voters recall or throw out of office every pro-illegal alien, anti-sovereignty Governor, Judge, Police Chief and city administrator, who is an advocate for wide open borders. If you read the Liberal press, you will never learn the truth or facts. The potentates of each party are to blame for the encouragement of the illegal alien occupation.