Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Napolitano Lies Jan 31, 2012

The Liberals, Unions, farmers, radical groups, special interest and even the major churches still think America should absorb every foreign visitor or every illegal migrant, even though these entities would pay nothing towards their monetary support? We cannot trust Napolitano who is another Liberal Czar involved in passing another Comprehensive immigration reform program—or Amnesty. Under their foolish direction of the progressives this land could be overrun with even more abject poverty, than what we have now. We are already sliding into a giant mire, but we can at least gain release some of the intense pressure by the example of Mitt Romney statement; that we can still exercise a citizen’s right in demanding the 'Legal Workforce Act' or Mandatory E-Verify (H.R. 2885).

This is true unadulterated immigration enforcement, by driving illegal aliens into self-deportation. The US Government has nothing to do, but audit business or listen to informants or whistle-blowers that have a front row seat, well aware of companies not complying with E-Verify? Once a few business owners see the inside of a prison cell or get fined millions of dollars the word will emanate around the country. These tough sanctions for violating the law will be determined to be an absolute deterrent if they hire illegal labor. The second urgent bill is the “Citizenship Birthright Amendment bill (H.R.140), which will derail the persistence of any illegal alien, of any national gaining immediate citizen for their baby and thereby unable to collect welfare benefits, that only citizens should have the approval.

Outside of the radical manipulation of the Liberal press, read THE TRUE FACTUAL daily news columns at “American Patrol” Site.

Only the American people have the unique power of the vote, to descend on any given political representative and insist they co-sponsor these laws? If you think for one minute that either party without your pressing by voters that politicians are going to support either of these laws without you harassing them; nothing will happen, ever? One thing’s for sure that paying out over $113 billion dollars a year in pandering to 22 million plus illegal aliens is not going away and the cold facts is the dollar amount is not going to fade? The public assistance programs are going to accelerate under this administrations Socialist dependency? Learn the absolute truths at NumbersUSA. The E-Verify program must be succeeding as 4 Democrats have now co-sponsored this bill and you too should contact your federal or local lawmaker’s at 202-224-3121 and demand it.

The TEA PARTY does not segregate any race or nationality as the Liberal media would like you to believe, it doesn’t alienate any person who is here—LEGALLY. The WE THE PEOPLE TEA PARTY of tens of millions of members just requests that the 1986 Immigration law (IRCA) enforced and not altered to pander to illegal migrants and immigrants. Learn some fact-finding by researching at NumbersUSA, American Patrol, and Judicial Watch and Heritage Foundation sites. Outside of the radical manipulation of the Liberal press, read THE TRUE FACTUAL daily news columns at “American Patrol” Site. The E-Verify program must be succeeding as 4 Democrats have now co-sponsored this bill and you too should contact your federal or local lawmaker’s at 202-224-3121 and demand that this bill be passed.