To run America we must have a TEA
PARTY Conservatism, whose major contentions is stop the Liberal-Socialist
movement within the Democratic party. To stop our nation from further sinking
into political quicksand, the only chance left to the population to renew this
countries weakening foundation. Overtime the Liberals have exerted such careful
stealth 'Political Correctness' forced onto us to undermine our liberties and
freedoms. Only by returning to the essence of the U.S. constitution, can we
hope to resurrect this country of ours from the shadow government It started
with a few ardent voices but grew in popularity until it became unwritten
and written law within the . With those who were publicly declared as being not
politically correct becoming the object of persecution by the Liberal
progressives and extremist, who desire to reinvent America. Political
Correctness is to reject every Americans right to freedom of choice and freedom
of speech. The Tea Party of "The People" and not members of the
establishment of elites in the Republics party is ready to claim our country
back from the influence that would destroy us. Its marching emblem is
- No more bailouts
- Reduce the size and intrusiveness of government
- Stop raising our taxes
- Repeal Obamacare
- Cease out-of-control spending
- Bring back American prosperity
Tea Party Nation is a user-driven
group of like-minded people who desire our God-given
freedoms written out by the Founding Fathers. We believe in Limited
Government, Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, our Military,
and our Country. Liberty, Constitutional Principles,
Fiscal Responsibility
In 2010, the tea party movement’s power was felt as incumbent Democrats and Republicans alike were replaced with Tea Party endorsed conservatives. The Tea Party Express played a critical role in the unprecedented midterm electoral victories and key Special elections, devoting millions of dollars and innovative campaign tactics to bring victory to conservative candidates. With conservatives in control of the House and poised to take over the Senate in 2012, the Tea Party Express has targeted President Barack Obama for defeat. In September 2011