All the Republicans who are speaking out on the core issues
have approached the alarming problem of illegal immigration in different ways.
Former House speaker Newt Gingrich has already presented himself as a passive
politician and caused public uproar. We already have government policies with court
enacted laws forcing the 50 states to extend public assistance programs, opening
them up to 20 million plus illegal alien populace within our country. These
persons have slipped past border agents or jetted here from other nation and
then we are forced to support them? Gingrich, as a potential President
paralyzed a large proportion of his audiences prior to the Iowa caucus, stating
he would even entertain some path to legitimacy, but devoid of citizenship.
This is certainly not agreeable with the millions in the TEA PARTY member, as
this would just pilot to an even larger avalanche of poor people from other
countries. Mitt Romney and Michelle Bachmann jumped, almost instantly on
Gingrich plan as “amnesty” which it most certainly is, as it just adds up to
pardoning people who criminally stole in this country, without permission.
That is what immigration laws are for and must be observed.
Anybody who thinks that a poorly secured border is not going to lure, as a temptation
in running the enforcement gauntlet needs to see a shrink? Each year “The Pew
Research Center” estimates 500.000 untracked people arrive here either by plane
or slip past the open areas, not covered by the border fence. How can anybody
say that theses impoverished people are not going to take advantage of Gingrich
formula? After Reagan's 1986 amnesty the numbers climbed dramatically, because
of rampant fraud and a disinterested administrations that should have prosecute
business who hired foreigners. George Bush passed the 2006 Secure Fence Act,
but as of today, the money was never appropriated. Consider these facts; If
Congress was unwavering in halting illegal immigration, they would have passed
laws to make it a—FELONY. Additionally if Congress had the desire to eventually
close the border tight, the 2006 secure fence would have already been
completed, as two fences parallel to each other and decked with concertina
razor wire? Those two enforcement laws, would also kept the criminals out and
allowed the US border Patrol to rove in between the fences rapidly, to
apprehend foreign nationals? New tea Party leaders will ensure no amnesties, no
Sanctuary cities or Dream Acts. Governors, Judges, chief of police or lower
official will be prosecuted for any misconduct of the 1986 IRCA laws, together
with loss of federal funding.
The current questionable push by the
Liberal press is illegal aliens do pay taxes. Yes many
do, but they are using either a stolen Social Security numbers, or an IRS
number known as an ITIN number. A substantial motivation is they have no
choice, if they want to get on a payroll job? Then according to the 'Heritage
Foundation' the amount of $113 Billion dollars goes to subsidize illegal aliens
from taxpayers and every year that amount is rising. As released by the IRS,
illegal immigrants are returned 4.5 Billion in child/parent tax credits. Little
known is that foreign invaders send out of the country annually to foreign
banks, between 40-46 billion dollars. Yes! They do pay taxes, but it hardly reduces
the money extorted from federal and state taxpayers for children of illegal
aliens. Money going to educate, the massive health care deficit and an
overpopulated prison system filled with drug dealers, murderers, rapists,
pedophiles and a growing percentage of hit and run drunken drivers; those that
are caught.
We have a new sordid problem that is
rising from the gutter. That Judicial Watch, the public interest
group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption has revealed its
2011 list of Washington’s “Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.” The members of the
Obama Administration on the list, in alphabetical order,
include: Attorney General Eric Holder; read about Eric
Holder’s connection with ACORN, The voter fraud organization and the Gun
running scandal—’Fast and furious.” President Barack Obama questionable
association with ACORN, AHCOA (Affordable Housing Centers of
America), the renamed ACORN Housing organization which has a long history of
corrupt activity and other illicit association, costing billions of taxpayer
dollars. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet
Napolitano: While Attorney General Eric Holder was busy suing
states fighting to shelter themselves from uncontrolled illegal immigration in
2011, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has overseen a campaign to
bypass Congress and provide amnesty to millions of illegal alien invaders, all
in an evident attempt to acquire more votes for Obama’s reelection. Make the
time to read the facts of governmental corruption by typing in Google—JUDICIAL
WATCH. Just remember this information will be concealed by the Democrats, as
they have proved over and over again, that they are not disinclined to
manipulating voter registrations—even to letting non-citizens vote.
E-Verify “the Legal Workforce Act" at the
very least, it is a step in the right direction to obstruct illegal labor from
taking American jobs. Even if E-Verify
has some flaws and some illegal aliens can obtain employment, but it won't last
very long before new upgraded version of E-Verify will be able to detect
criminal alien workers. ICE has already gained the implementation of
Mississippi’s Drivers Licensing Bureau, so as citizens WE SHOULD DEMAND THAT EVERY STATE VEHICLE DEPARTMENT GIVE ICE THE
Those hired illegally will be caught eventually when the irregularities
are corrected and ICE auditors return to a previous company.
It's better to have something as a deterrent, than to
have nothing at all. What requires further action is a bill sponsored by Steve King’s (R-IA)
Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011 (H.R.140) would amend the law so the unborn
babies of illegal aliens smuggled calculatedly through borders or by
international flight are ineligible for citizenship. The cost to hospitals and an array of welfare
payments and entitlements is the most costly for US taxpayers totaling billions
of more dollars. This is another demand, you should make of the politicians who
represent your state. This is the time before the outcome of the 2012 election
to pass the above mentioned laws, as it is critical to the wellbeing of every
American worker. You can adjoin the TEA PARTY and demand from both Senators and
House Representatives the passage of these laws, by calling the Washington
phone center at 202-224-3121
In conclusion the Tea Party doesn't discriminate against any nationality or race, as this is an offensive plan by the Democrats to demoralize the alternative party who are strictly against illegal immigration—LEGAL IMMIGRATION. The TEA PARTY openly welcomes those who patiently legally wait their turn, in becoming part of the opportunity that is America. Those who coveted their freedom better be aware that under the Obama regime, the dark shadows within his administration have slowly destabilized the foundation of the US Constitution and its purpose.